
Created by David Mighetto: Feb. 6, 1995. Last modified: May 15, 2001

Information about ONE71

ONE71 = Banco de Datos de Once Novelas Españolas 1951—1971
Spanish Section, Dep. of Romance Languages, University of Göteborg, Sweden

Eleven categories of information are given:

1. Primary disciplinary focus of the project: Linguistics.

2. Secondary interest: language, literature.

3. Time period: 1951—1971.

4. Geographical area: Spain.

5. Genre: novels.

6. Language encoded: Spanish.

7. The purpose of the Project ONE71 is to create electronic texts of the period to facilitate the study of the Spanish language, and also to create utilities for linguistic and literary studies.

8. Base of 1.005.012 tokens (running words), and 46.898 types from eleven Spanish novels.

9. There is 11 novels from 11 different authors, all from Spain.

10. The running texts are currently available only at University of Göteborg, Dep. of Romance Languages / Spanish, Gothenburg, Sweden.

11. Additional on-line access to the database is possible for research purposes only (NB: non-commercial purposes). Users have to sign an agreement.

  The corpus: 1.005.012 running words

code author novel 1st ed. running words
AY Olmo, L. Ayer, 27 de octubre 1958 64 131
UB Lera, A. M. de Las últimas banderas 1967 122 981
EL López Pacheco, J. Central eléctrica 1958 103 270
LC Cela, C. J. La Colmena 1951 71 562
EJ Sánchez Ferlosio, R. El Jarama 1956 123 580
HR Delibes, M. La hoja roja 1959 58 024
JM Goytisolo, J. Juegos de manos 1954 72 252
LN Romero, L. La noria 1952 78 566
UT Marsé, J. Ultimas tardes con Teresa 1967 131 725
TH Palomino, A. Torremolinos Gran Hotel 1971 83 149
TV García Hortelano, J. Tormenta de verano 1962 95 772
        1 005 012

  For more information:

David Mighetto <David.Mighetto@his.segt;
Gerhard Bauhr <>