
Created by David Mighetto: Feb. 6, 1995. Last modified: May 15, 2001

General information

SOL - Spanish Online : PE77 and ONE71, two Spanish Corpora

COR92, Corpus Oral de Referencia del Español Contemporáneo, compiled at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

On the basis of collaboration between higher institutions and universities, the Spanish Section of the Dep. of Romance Languages, University of Göteborg (Gothenburg, Sweden), is offering since 1998 the possibility to consult by the international computer network SOL - Spanish Online, two text corpora with 2.937.008 running words of present-day Spanish texts. The access to the COR92 corpus was later incorporated to the site.

The concordances of SOL are derived from books, newspapers and magazines covering several topics such "política y cuestiones socio-gremiales; deportes; la lidia; aficiones; ciencias humanas; actividades artísticas; ciencias naturales/aplicadas; vida económica y comunicaciones; el hombre y su ambiente".

The concordances of COR92 are based on the Corpus Oral de Referencia del Español Contemporáneo, compiled between January 1991 and February 1992 at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). The corpus contains transcriptions of recorded audio tapes of a varied nature (private conversations, lectures, radio and television programmes, etc.).

Data concerning frequency over the running words are provided automatically. The retrieval system allows you to search for single words or for word patterns. Searches concern the levels of word form, part of speech, and head word. In the "Welcome-file" of this site there is a set of searching possibilities. The output of your searching can be a frequency list of items, or a series of concordances (words in context) with a variable, user-defined textual context. The system provides many sorting facilities as well.

With some limitations due to copyright, the output of your searches can be directly transferred to your own computer. Nota Bene that is not allowed to transfer complete texts or substantial text parts of PE77 or ONE71.

For an optimal use of the retrieval system, the use of Netscape 4x (or higher) or Explorer 5 is recommended.

In order to get an ordinary access to our databases, just connect to SOL. If you as researcher want to get an more irrestricted access to SOL, an individual user agreement has to be signed. An electronic user agreement form can be obtained by email. If you request it, please make a hard copy of the agreement form in an official paper from your institution or University, sign it, and return the signed original copy to us. After receipt of the signed user agreement, you will be informed about your user name and password.

  For more information:

David Mighetto <>
Gerhard Bauhr <>