Markus Forsberg Markus Forsberg

I am a researcher at Språkbanken, a Language Technology R&D Unit at department of Swedish Language, University of Gothenburg.

I got my Ph.D. at Chalmers University of Technology, where I worked in the Language Technology group. My Ph.D. was financed by GSLT, which, in turn, granted me the honorary title GSLT Doctor No. 11.

Today I am actively involved in CLT (Centre of Language Technology).

My research interests include:


L. Borin, M. Forsberg. All in the family: A comparison of SALDO and WordNet. Proceedings of the Nodalida 2009 Workshop on WordNets and other Lexical Semantic Resources - between Lexical Semantics, Lexicography, Terminology and Formal Ontologies. Odense.
Download: saldo-nodalida09-ws-final.pdf

M. Andréasson, J. Beskow, L. Borin, R. Carlson, J. Edlund, K. Elenius, A. Eriksson, M. Forsberg, E. Forsbom, K. Hellmer, D. House, B. Megyesi, M. Merkel, S. Strömqvist. Proceedings of the Nodalida 2009 Workshop on Nordic perspectives on the CLARIN infrastructure of common language resource. Odense.
Download: nodalida09-CLARIN-ws-Sweden.pdf

L. Borin, M. Forsberg. Something old, something new: A computational morphological description of Old Swedish. LREC 2008 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2008). Marrakech: ELRA. 9-16.
Download: lrec-latech-2008.pdf

L. Borin, M. Forsberg and L. Lönngren. The hunting of the BLARK - SALDO, a freely available lexical database for Swedish language technology. Resourceful language technology. Festschrift in honor of Anna Sågvall Hein, ed. by Joakim Nivre, Mats Dahllöf and Beata Megyesi. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia 7. 21-32.
Download: ash-fs-080605.pdf

L. Borin, M. Forsberg, L. Lönngren. SALDO 1.0 (Svenskt associationslexikon version 2). Språkbanken, Göteborg universitet, 2008-05-07
Download: saldo_1.0.pdf

DRAFT: M. Forsberg Compound Analysis in FM, 2008
Download: compound_2008_12_11.pdf

M. Forsberg. Three Tools for Language Processing: BNF Converter, Functional Morphology, and Extract. PhD thesis, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, September 2007.
Download: PhD Abstract

M. Forsberg The Functional Morphology Library. Technical Report no. 2007-09 in Computing Science at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: FM_Tech_Report.pdf

M. Forsberg The Extract Tool. Technical Report no. 2007-10 in Computing Science at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: Extract_Tech_Report.pdf

DRAFT: M. Forsberg Functional Pronunciation Dictionaries, 2007
Download: FPD_2007_09_02.pdf

M. Forsberg H. Hammarström A. Ranta. Morphological Lexicon Extraction from Raw Text Data. FinTAL 2006, LNAI 4139, pp.488-499.
Download: FinTAL2006.pdf

L. Borin M. Forsberg. Mannen är faderns mormor: Svenskt associationslexikon i utökad elektronisk form. Presented at SLING 2006
Download: Abstract

M. Forsberg, A. Ranta: Functional Morphology: Tool Demonstration. FSMNLP 2005, LNAI 4002, pp. 304-305, 2006
Download: Abstract

M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. The User Manual for BNF Converter, 2005
Download: LBNF-report.pdf

M. Forsberg. Applications of Functional Programming in Processing Formal and Natural Languages. Licentiate thesis.
Download: Thesis
Download: Abstract

M. Pellauer, M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. BNF Converter: Multilingual Front-End Generation from Labelled BNF Grammars, Technical Report no. 2004-09 in Computing Science at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: tech2004.pdf

M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. Tool Demonstration: BNF Converter
HW'2004, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Haskell Workshop, Snowbird, Utah
Download: BNFC_HW2004.pdf
Download slides: HW2004_slides.pdf

M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. Functional Morphology
ICFP'04, Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference of Functional Programming, September 19-21, 2004, Snowbird, Utah
Download: FM_ICFP2004.pdf
Download slides: ICFP2004_slides.pdf

M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. The BNF Converter: A High-Level Tool for Implementing Well-Behaved Programming Languages.
NWPT'02 proceedings, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, December 2003, Tallin, Estonia

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