Publikationer ¦¦ Publications

Publicerade arbeten och arbeten under utgivning ¦¦ Published and forthcoming works

  1. 2009. Linguistic diversity in the information society. Proceedings of the SALTMIL 2009 workshop on Information Retrieval and Information Extraction for Less Resourced Languages. Donostia: University of the Basque Country. 1-7 [pdf]
  2. 2009. Andréasson, Maia, Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, Jonas Beskow, Rolf Carlson, Jens Edlund, Kjell Elenius, Kahl Hellmer, David House, Magnus Merkel, Eva Forsbom, Beáta Megyesi, Anders Eriksson, and Sven Strömqvis. Swedish CLARIN activities. Proceedings of the Nodalida 2009 workshop on CLARIN activities in the Nordic countries. Odense. 1-5. [pdf]
  3. 2009. Borin, Lars and Markus Forsberg. All in the family: A comparison of SALDO and WordNet. Proceedings of the Nodalida 2009 Workshop on WordNets and other Lexical Semantic Resources - between Lexical Semantics, Lexicography, Terminology and Formal Ontologies. Odense. 7-12. [pdf]
  4. 2009. Lendvai, Piroska and Lars Borin (eds). Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Language Technology and Resources for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education (LaTeCH -- SHELT&R 2009). Athens: ACL. [pdf]
  5. 2008. Borin, Lars and Markus Forsberg. Something old, something new: A computational morphological description of Old Swedish. LREC 2008 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2008). Marrakech: ELRA. 9-16. [pdf]
  6. 2008. Borin, Lars, Markus Forsberg and Lennart Lönngren. The hunting of the BLARK - SALDO, a freely available lexical database for Swedish language technology. Resourceful language technology. Festschrift in honor of Anna Sågvall Hein, ed. by Joakim Nivre, Mats Dahllöf and Beáta Megyesi. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia 7. 21-32. [pdf]
  7. 2008. Review of Stig Johansson: Seeing through multilingual corpora: On the use of corpora in contrastive studies. ICAME Journal 32: 261-267.
  8. 2008. Lemma, lexem eller mittemellan? Ontologisk ångest i den digitala domänen. Nog ordat? Festskrift till Sven-Göran Malmgren, sammanställd av Kristinn Jóhannesson, Hans Landqvist, Aina Lundqvist, Lena Rogström, Emma Sköldberg och Barbro Wallgren Hemlin. Göteborg: Meijerbergs arkiv för svensk ordforskning. 59-67. [pdf]
  9. 2007. Borin, Lars, Dimitrios Kokkinakis and Leif-Jöran Olsson. Naming the past: Named entity and animacy recognition in 19th century Swedish literature. ACL 2007 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2007). Prague: ACL. 1-8. [pdf]
  10. 2007. Borin, Lars, Maria Toporowska Gronostaj and Dimitrios Kokkinakis. Medical frames as target and tool. FRAME 2007: Building Frame Semantics resources for Scandinavian and Baltic languages. (Nodalida 2007 workshop proceedings.) Tartu: University of Tartu. 11-18. [pdf]
  11. 2006. Sparv i tranedansen eller fisken i vattnet? Språkteknologi och språklärande. Från vision till praktik: Språkutbildning och informationsteknik, red. av Patrik Svensson. (Nätuniversitetet, Rapport 1 2006.) Härnösand: NSHU. 25-49.
  12. 2006. Markó, Kornél, Robert Baud, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Lars Borin, Magnus Merkel and Stefan Schulz. Towards a multilingual medical lexicon. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Symposium (AMIA '06). [CD-ROM] Washington, DC: AMIA. 534-538. [pdf]
  13. 2006. Saxena, Anju and Lars Borin (eds). Lesser-known languages of South Asia. Status and policies, case studies and applications of information technology. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 175.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  14. 2006. Supporting lesser-known languages: The promise of language technology. Lesser-known languages of South Asia. Status and policies, case studies and applications of information technology, ed. by Anju Saxena and Lars Borin. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 175.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 317-337.
  15. 2006. Vi som går köksvägen: Språkteknologer och korpuslingvister i Litteraturbanken. Fältanteckningar: Utbildnings- och kultursociologiska texter tillägnade Donald Broady, red. av Mikael Börjesson, Ingrid Heyman, Monica Langerth Zetterman, Esbjörn Larsson, Ida Lidegran och Mikael Palme. Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, ILU, Uppsala universitet. 399-404. [pdf]
  16. 2005. Mannen är faderns mormor: Svenskt associationslexikon reinkarnerat. LexicoNordica 12: 39-54. (preprintversion: [pdf])
  17. 2005. Baud, Robert, Mikael Nyström, Lars Borin, Roger Evans, Stefan Schulz and Pierre Zweigenbaum. Interchanging lexical information for a multilingual dictionary. AMIA 2005 Proceedings. [CD-ROM] Washington, DC: AMIA. 31-35. [pdf]
  18. 2004. Borin, Lars and Anju Saxena. Grammar, incorporated. CALL for the Nordic languages, ed. by Peter Juel Henrichsen. (Copenhagen Studies in Language 30.) Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur. 125-145. [pdf]
  19. 2004. Borin, Lars and Klas Prütz. New wine in old skins? A corpus investigation of L1 syntactic transfer in learner language. Corpora and language learners, ed. by Guy Aston, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 67-87.
  20. 2004. Language technology resources for less prevalent languages: Will the Münchhausen Model work? Nordisk sprogteknologi 2003. Nordic language technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Red. Henrik Holmboe. København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Københavns Universitet. 71-82.
  21. 2002. Borin, Lars (ed.): Parallel corpora, parallel worlds. Selected papers from a symposium on parallel and comparable corpora at Uppsala University, Sweden, 22-23 April, 1999. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  22. 2002. ... and never the twain shall meet? Parallel corpora, parallel worlds. Selected papers from a symposium on parallel and comparable corpora at Uppsala University, Sweden, 22-23 April, 1999, ed. by Lars Borin. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 1-43.
  23. 2002. Alignment and tagging. Parallel corpora, parallel worlds. Selected papers from a symposium on parallel and comparable corpora at Uppsala University, Sweden, 22-23 April, 1999 ed. by Lars Borin. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 207-218.
  24. 2002. Saxena, Anju and Lars Borin. Locating and reusing sundry NLP flotsam in an e-learning application. LREC 2002. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Workshop Proceedings. Customizing knowledge in NLP applications: strategies, issues, and evaluation. Las Palmas: ELRA. 45-51. [pdf ° ps]
  25. 2002. Where will the standards for intelligent computer-assisted language learning come from? LREC 2002. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Workshop Proceedings. International standards of terminology and language resources management. Las Palmas: ELRA. 61-68. [pdf ° ps]
  26. 2002. Nilsson, Kristina and Lars Borin. Living off the land: The Web as a source of practice texts for learners of less prevalent languages. Proceedings of LREC 2002, Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas: ELRA. 411-418. [pdf ° ps]
  27. 2002. What's in a link? Evaluating web-based language learning resources for higher education. International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology 9(2): 103-112.
  28. 2002. Borin, Lars, Lauri Carlson and Diana Santos. Corpus based language technology for computer-assisted learning of Nordic languages: Squirrel. Progress Report September 2001. Nordisk sprogteknologi 2001. Nordic language technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004. Red. Henrik Holmboe. København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Københavns Universitet. 257-270.
  29. 2001. Att undersöka språkmöten med datorn. Språkets gränser och gränslöshet. Då tankar, tal och traditioner möts. Humanistdagarna vid Uppsala universitet 2001. Redigerad av Anju Saxena. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. 2001. 45-56. [pdf]
  30. 2001. Borin, Lars and Klas Prütz. Through a glass darkly: Part of speech distribution in original and translated text. Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 2000. Edited by Walter Daelemans, Khalil Sima'an, Jorn Veenstra, Jakub Zavrel. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 2001. 30-44.
  31. 2001. Borin, Lars, Karine Åkerman Sarkisian and Camilla Bengtsson. A stitch in time: Enhancing university language education with web-based diagnostic testing. 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education. The Future of Learning -Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition. Düsseldorf, Germany, 01-05 April 2001. Proceedings [CD-ROM: ISBN 3-934093-01-9]. Oslo: ICDE. [pdf ° ps]
  32. 2000. Enhancing tagging performance by combining knowledge sources. Korpusar i forskning och undervisning. Corpora in research and teaching. Papers from the ASLA symposium Corpora in research and teaching, Växjö 11-12 November, 1999, utg. av Gunilla Byrman, Hans Lindquist och Magnus Levin. Växjö universitet. 19-31. [pdf]
  33. 2000. Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Lars Borin. A web-based tool for exploring translation equivalents on word and sentence level in multilingual parallel corpora. Erikoiskielet ja kännösteoria - Fackspråk och översättningsteori - LSP and Theory of Translation. 20th VAKKI Symposium. 2000, Vasa 11.-13.2.2000. Publications of the Research Group for LSP and Theory of Translation at the University of Vaasa, No. 27, 2000. 76-84. [pdf]
  34. 2000. Borin, Lars and Sara Gustavsson. Separating the chaff from the wheat: Creating evaluation standards for web-based language-training resources. Learning's W.W.W. Web Based Learning. Wireless Based Learning. Web Mining. Proceedings of CAPS'3, 12-14 December, Paris, France. Third International Conference on Human System Learning. Troisième Colloque International sur l'Apprentissage Personne Système. Edited by Khaldoun Zreik. Paris: Europia. 2000. 127-138. [pdf ° ps]
  35. 2000. Review of: Halwachs, Dieter (ed.), Grazer Linguistische Studien 51. Romani III. Romani Studies 10 (2), 221-225.
  36. 2000. You'll take the high road and I'll take the low road: Using a third language to improve bilingual word alignment. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. COLING 2000, Vol. 1. Saarbrücken: Universität des Saarlandes. 97-103. [pdf ° ps]
  37. 2000. Pivot alignment. Proceedings of NoDaLiDa 1999, Trondheim 9-10 December, 1999. 41-48. [pdf ° ps]
  38. 2000. A corpus of written Finnish Romani texts. LREC 2000. Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Workshop Proceedings. Developing Language Resources for Minority Languages: Reusability and Strategic Priorities. Editor: Donncha Ó Cróinín. Athens, 30 May, 2000. 75-82. [pdf ° ps]
  39. 2000. Something borrowed, something blue: Rule-based combination of POS taggers. Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Athens 31 May - 2 June, 2000. 21-26. [pdf ° ps]
  40. 1999. Borin, Lars and Mats Dahllöf: A corpus-based grammar tutor for Education in Language and Speech Technology. EACL'99, Computer and Internet Supported Education in Language and Speech Technology. Proceedings of a Workshop Sponsored by ELSNET and The Association for Computational Linguistics. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 36-43. [pdf ° ps]
  41. 1998. Vuorela, Katri and Lars Borin: Finnish Romani. Minority Languages in Scandinavia, Britain and Ireland, ed. by Ailbhe Ó Corráin and Séamus Mac Mathúna. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Celtica Upsaliensia. 51-76. [pdf]
  42. 1998. Linguistics isn't always the answer: Word comparison in computational linguistics. NODALIDA '98 Proceedings. Center for Sprogteknologi and Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. 140-151. [pdf]
  43. 1998. ETAP: Etablering och annotering av parallellkorpus för igenkänning av översättningsekvivalenter. ASLA-Information 24:1. 33-40. [pdf ° ps]
  44. 1991. Review of: Szymanek, B., 1988, Categories and Categorization in Morphology, Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 14, No.1. 89-94.
  45. 1988. A constraint-based approach to morphological analysis (preliminaries). Nordiske Datalingvistikdage og Symposium for datamatstøttet leksikografi og terminologi 1987. Proceedings. Institut for Datalingvistik, Handelshøjskolen i København, Lambda Nr 7. 107-116.
  46. 1988. A computer model of sound change: an example from Old Church Slavic. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 3, No. 2. 105-108.
  47. 1986. What is a lexical representation? Papers from the Fifth Scandinavian Conference of Computational Linguistics, ed. by Fred Karlsson. University of Helsinki, Department of General Lingusitics, Publications No. 15. 25-34. [pdf]
  48. 1986. Is Hungarian a case language? Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 8. 1-33.
  49. 1984. Ett textdatabassystem för lingvister. Föredrag vid de nordiska datalingvistikdagarna 1983, utg. av Anna Sågvall Hein. UCDL-R-84-1. Centrum för datorlingvistik, Uppsala universitet. 37-47.


    Rapporter och pågående arbeten ¦¦ Reports, working papers and work in progress

  50. 2009. One in the bush: Low-density language technology. Research Reports from the Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, GU-ISS-09-1. [pdf]
  51. 2008. Andréasson, Maia, Lars Borin, Magnus Merkel. Habeas Corpus: A survey for SNK - a Swedish national corpus. Research Reports from the Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, GU-ISS-08-1. [pdf]
  52. 2007. Borin, Lars, Natalia Grabar, Maria Toporowska Gronostaj, Catalina Hallett, David Hardcastle, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Sandra Williams and Alistair Willis. Semantic Mining Deliverable D27.2: Empowering the patient with language technology. Göteborg University, Université Paris Descartes, the Open University. [pdf]
  53. 2006. Ahlfeldt [Åhlfeldt], Hans, Lars Borin, Philipp Daumke, Natalia Grabar, Catalina Hallett, David Hardcastle, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Clara Mancini, Kornel Marko, Magnus Merkel, Christian Pietsch, Richard Power, Donia Scott, Annika Silvervarg, Maria Toporowska Gronostaj, Sandra Williams and Alistair Willis. Literature review on patient-friendly information systems. Technical Report No 2006/04. Department of Computing, Faculty of Mathematics and Computing, The Open University, Milton Keynes. [pdf]
  54. 2003. Finding the princes in the pond: Evaluating web-based language learning resources - a literature roadmap. The LingoNet project: Language learning supported by the Internet, ed. by Bengt Nykvist. Dept. of Humanities, Mid-Sweden University, Report No. 14. 22-33.
  55. 2003. Borin, Lars and Sara Gustavsson. Separating the chaff from the wheat: Creating evaluation standards for web-based language training resources. The LingoNet project: Language learning supported by the Internet, ed. by Bengt Nykvist. Dept. of Humanities, Mid-Sweden University, Report No. 14. 9-21.
  56. 2002. What have you done for me lately? The fickle alignment of NLP and CALL. Presentation at the EuroCALL 2002 pre-conference workshop on NLP in CALL, August 14, 2002, Jyväskylä, Finland. [pdf]
  57. 2002. Where will the standards for Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning come from? In: Reports from Uppsala Learning Lab 5.2002. 1-8.
  58. 2002. Borin, Lars, Karine Åkerman Sarkisian and Camilla Bengtsson. A stitch in time: Enhancing university language education with web-based diagnostic testing. In: Reports from Uppsala Learning Lab 1.2002. 1-10.
  59. 2002. Cerratto, Tessy and Lars Borin. Overview of the research area (Swedish as a second language). (CrossCheck project research report). NADA technical report TRITA-NA-P0206. Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
  60. 2000. Borin, Lars, with contributions by others: ETAP project status report December 2000. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 23. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 1-20.
  61. 2000. Bengtsson, Camilla, Lars Borin and Henrik Oxhammar: Comparing and combining part-of-speech taggers for multilingual parallel corpora. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 22. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 11-30.
  62. 2000. Oxhammar, Henrik and Lars Borin: Sentence splitting and SGML tagging. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 22. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 1-10.
  63. 2000. Borin, Lars and Klas Prütz: Through a glass darkly: part of speech distribution in original and translated text. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 21. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 9-30.
  64. 2000. Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Lars Borin: ETAP-WebTEq: a web-based tool for exploring translation equivalents on word and sentence level in multilingual parallel corpora. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 21. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 1-8.
  65. 1999. Alignment and tagging. In: Working papers in Computational Linguistics & Language Engineering 20. Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University. 1-10.
  66. 1991. The automatic induction of morphological regularities. (Ph.D. thesis) Reports from Uppsala University, Linguistics (RUUL) 22. i-v, 1-166.
  67. 1986. Swedish two-level morphology: Some remarks. Report UCDL-R-86-1. Uppsala University, Center for Computational Linguistics. 1-42.
  68. 1983. Systemdokumentation för textdatabasen: Version 1.0. Rapport UCDL-R-83-3. Uppsala universitet, Centrum för datorlingvistik. 1-22.


    Läromedel ¦¦ Course material

  69. 2005. Datorstödd språkinlärning och språkteknologi. Kurskompendium. (Fjärde upplagan.) Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet.
  70. 1998. Datorstödd språkinlärning. Kurskompendium. Institutionen för lingvistik, Uppsala universitet.
  71. 1985. Tvånivåmorfologi: Introduktion och användarhandledning. Undervisningskompendium UCDL-L-3. Uppsala universitet, Centrum för datorlingvistik.