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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.

Semester workshop H2021

At the end of this semester we are going to have an internal workshop to conclude the semester and tell each other what we have been working with. The date for the workshop is December 14th. The workshop will take place at 13-16 on Zoom. More information will be sent out by email, including a Zoom link.

Preliminary pogramme

Time Presenter Title  
13:00 The organizers Welcome  
13:04 Lars Digital linguistics under the eaves of the world 0
13:10 Dimitrios Sentiment Analysis on Flashback threads related to vaccination 1
13:16 Yvonne A few words on our social media corpora 2
13:22 Dana Swedish FrameNet 1.0 3
13:28 Markus SuperLim 2.0 4
13:34 Arild Språkbanken website overhaul 5
13:40 Sasha Cassandra: the first steps 6
13:46   Break  
14:00 Martin Litteraturbanken - All good things must come to an end™ 7
14:06 Felix Preliminary results on relative word importance of eye-tracking and LM:s  8
14:12 Ricardo The correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic biases in hatespeech detection on Spanish tweets 9
14:18 Anna  Messenger mining 10
14:24 Nina  Change is Key! 11
14:30 Maria & Anne IVIP - All good things must come to an end 12
14:40 Stellan Harmonizing dictionaries: a case study 13
14:46   Break  
15:00 Jonatan Facsimiles in Karp 14
15:06 Peter Gender differences in exam revisions  15
15:12 Leif-Jöran Logging and hidden gems 16
15:18 Federica Language and Autism. A first attempt at automatic classification of acoustic correlates in Italian-speakers with ASD  17
15:24 The organizers The End  

Note: Unfortunately there won't be any time for questions after the presentations due to a tight schedule. If you have any questions, please write them down and contact the presenter afterwards.