Fifty years of language technology
Fifty years ago, the Logoteket was established at the University of Gothenburg. Today, Språkbanken is a national research infrastructure with extensive national and international collaborations. This makes us one of the world's oldest research and development units in language technology.
Read a brief history of Språkbanken.
Celebrate our birthday at Humanisten, University of Gothenburg, on May 5
On May 5, which is our official birthday, we will have an open house in the foyer at Humanisten from 14:00 to 16:00. There will be a small exhibition, demonstrations of our activities and tools, fika and more. And most importantly, we will be there! Everyone is welcome!
A lecture on language technology on May 5 at 18:00
Our researcher and deputy director of Språkbanken Text, Sasha Berdicevskis, will give a lecture at the Gothenburg City Library on May 5. The preliminary title is "Göteborgare vs AI: Who knows the (Swedish) language best?". Everyone is welcome!
Anniversary celebration on June 18
On June 18, we will celebrate Språkbanken's 50th anniversary with invited guests at the Wallenberg Conference Center in Gothenburg.
Contact sb-info@svenska.gu.se.