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Research meetings

SpråkbankenText's research meetings during Spring 2025, will take place on Tuesdays Thursdays, from 10:15 to 11.30 (occasionally to 12:00), typically in room F314, unless otherwise announced. The meetings are normally open for all members of SpråkbankenText. On some occasions, we invite a broader audience, these public seminars are announced in SpråkbankenText's calendar.

Please update the list of conference deadlines.

The schedule for the Spring of 2025 is as follows:

Date Topic Comments
15 <extra> Conference: NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES & AI MODELS: TRAINING AND (RE-)USE IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES Deadline f 300w abstracts More information here: Submissions
16 Planning meeting (internal) as well as discussing (RJ) grant applications (ideas or drafts) All (researchers and PhD students)
22 <extra> Title: An overview of Burrows’ Delta for authorship attribution (online) 9-10 am CET - Register here
23 <OBS! Room: J236>
28 <extra> Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) project Closes at: 15:00
30 Discussion of The new ethics law (Sasha leads) "PM: En ny lag om forskningsetiska krav på och etikprövning av forskning som avser människor"
31 <extra> Symposium: Reading Concordances in the 21st Century; Deadline f 500w abstracts More information here: Submissions
6 (guest) AI Competence Center (AICC) at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU). Research Collaboration Meeting
6-7 <extra> Forum för Textforskning (FoT) 17 Göteborg, more info here
13 Sportlov Sportlov
15 <extra> ACL-2025: Submission Deadline (Main Conference): February 15 More information here: Submissions
20 Whisper - Speech recognition Herbert: Using Whisper - An In-depth introduction and hands-on experience
25 <extra> NLP in medicine, life and environmental science (Workshop) Time: 10:00 to 13:30. More information here: online for free - requires registration
27 SBX papers at the NODALIDA main conference or/and the NODALIDA satellite workshops Presentation of drafts March
04 <extra> Swedish Research Council (VR) project (humanities and social sciences) Closes at: <tba> More information here.
20 Handledarkollegium VP forskutb besöker (* DK: away trip)
24 <extra> Anna Lindahl final seminar Obs! Monday at J431
27 GU lawyers: Erica Schweder, Ellen Nordback, Alessandra Rodrigues Padilha (Elena is a contact person). Room J439
3 Discussion/ranking of the PhD candidates
4 <extra> CLARIN-2025 Deadline f extended abstracts More information here: Submissions
10 Some preparations for the big talk about SBX and AI on May 5. Sasha
17 Påsklov (* DK: away trip)
24 Discussion/ranking of PhD candidates (backup)
1 Public Holiday Public Holiday
8 (Shafqat): Revealing Semantic Variation In Swedish Using Computational Models Of Semantic Proximity
22 Ludovica Pannitto & Arianna (topic to be defined, date to be confirmed)
29 Public Holiday Public Holiday
12 Elena... <OBS! Room: J406>
18 The 50th anniversary of Språkbanken 🥇🍾🎂 Wallenberg conference centre, starting in the afternoon and include dinner 🥇🍾🎂🍴🍽
17 Easter holidays Easter holidays

The schedule for the Autumn of 2024 was as follows:
Date Topic Comments
10 <extra> SLTC-related meeting All (particularly those that are about to submit to the conference)
17 Planning meeting (internal) All (researchers and PhD students)
24 The HUMINFRA handbook Discussing/presenting chapters fr the group
26 <extra>Workshop on social network analysis Approaches to computer-assisted tools for social network analysis: 1) the exploratory network analysis software Gephi, and 2) an overview and test of other tools on how social network analysis can be integrated, combined, and explored concerning various research interests. Apply to the workshop to
1 Maria's idea seminar This talk is hybrid (link). There is no text to read in advance. The presentation will be in English, but questions may be in Swedish - Room: C362. (Rescheduled from Higher Seminar)
8 General researcher meeting Talking about what we are working on
9 <extra>"Robustness in NLP: challenges and opportunities" (13:15-15:00) Rob van der Goot (IT Univ., Copenhagen) in-person (room J411) seminar or via
15 The CLASP annual conference, 14-15 Oct Title: "Multimodality and Interaction in Language Learning (MILLing)". Also note: Deadline for NODALIDA; currently the 21/10 extended to the 27/10.
21 13:15 – 15:00 in J444: Arianna Masciolini's 'middle seminar' Title: Cross-lingual approaches to computational Second Language Acquisition: the potential of Universal Dependencies.
22 10:15 – 11:30 in J303 SBX local IT infrastructure (Herbert) --- 13:00 – 15:00 in J406 Helpdesk (case management system) (Leif-Jöran) Servers and the upcoming helpdesk system at Språkbanken Text
23 < extra> CLASP seminar: 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM (room J411 or via zoom) Yufang Hou from IBM Research & UKP Lab-TU Darmstadt: The AI-Augmented Scientist: Building Computational Models for Effective Knowledge Synthesis and Dissemination”
29 No meeting - autumn holidays/Höstlov ...for some of group's members, so the meeting is cancelled.
5 See the blog post (SWETALY meeting)
12 Giorgia Albertin, PhD student. Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies. University of Bologna Title: About cohesion and other discourse properties in cognitive impairment.
18 <extra> 13:15 – 15:00 in J431 or on Zoom: Ricardo Muñoz's 'middle seminar' Title: From Algorithms to Classrooms: NLP for Second Language Learning as a Case Study for Bias and Fairness in AI.
19 AITrust workshop at WASP-HS and AI for Humanity and Society WASP-HS@Linholmen Conference Centre
26 SBX papers at the SLTC main conference or/and the SLTC satellite workshops Dry run for the 10th Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC); 27–29 Nov., at Linköping Univ.
27 <extra> 10:15 – 12:00 on Zoom: Tom Södahl Title: Don't Mention the Norm - On Reporting Bias and Social Bias in Humans and Language Models
29 <extra> 12:00 – 13:00 on EA, EDIT-huset, Chalmers: Kenny Smith, U of Edinburgh Title: Language learning, language use, and the evolution of linguistic structure (Experiments based on AI)
3 Canceled: Discuss upcoming research grant proposals In the first case, RJ - Do we have any - send an email to, a few days before and inform about your plans/drafts etc. NB: This event may be canceled on short notice due to the trial lectures during the afternoon!
5 <extra> 18:00 – 19:30, on Zoom, Shalom Lappin Title: NLP/AI Seminar: AI Dangers
10 Christmas Smorgasbord/Julbord Christmas Smorgasbord/Julbord, at 11.30-15.00
16 <extra> Mini workshop: Grammatical Error Correction Time: 13.15-15.00, Room: J415
24 Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!

The schedule for the Spring of 2024 is here:
Date Topic Comments
16 Planning meeting (internal)
22 Application seminar SFS
23 Ethics for NLP (FLoV)
30 RJ project deadline
6 Herbert presents earlier work (internal)
13 School holidays
20 Discussing VR application drafts (internal) Also deadline VR Tvärvetensk forskningsmiljö
4-6 Research retreat SFS
5 Deadline VR HS
12 Discussion of Felix & Sasha's draft (internal)
19 Also: EACL
25 Felix final seminar (Monday!)
26 Discussion of Emilie's draft (internal)
2 School holidays
9 Handledarkollegium SBX (closed) Also: deadline VR NT
23 Mini-workshop "Approaches to corpus searches" NB! location J233,
30 St Walpurga's eve
7 (free)
14 CLARIN:EL Speaker: Kanella Pouli, fr Athena RC/ILSP, Greece. Abstract: CLARIN:EL is a Research infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies (LRTs); it is the Greek part of the European CLARIN ERIC Infrastructure. It provides a multitude of assets related to Language Technology (LT) for and by Social Sciences & Humanities (and beyond), focusing mainly but not exclusively on Greek LRTs. The Central Inventory provides access to corpora, lexica, tools and language descriptions. Users can effortlessly locate desired resources using keywords and filters. Additionally, the infrastructure hosts a Workbench, i.e. a variety of services to process corpora from the Central Inventory or data submitted by registered users. For those eager to contribute their own data, a user-friendly interface enables the creation of metadata records for their resources. All the information regarding the infrastructure, the CLARIN network, and the NLP community in Greece can be found in the user guide, portal, and NLP:EL Knowledge Centre. Brief Bio: Computational Linguist, MSc., KP's work focuses on the design and improvement of repositories, the development and adaptation of metadata schemata for language resource documentation as well as the collection and processing of language resources.
21 No meeting bec. of LREC
28 (free)
4 SBX Retreat
10 Emilie idea seminar (Monday!)
11 Stina Johansson and Lars Kullman from UB About publication points
18 LREC/COLING summary