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	title        = {Bland nervdroppar, bakterier och screeningar: om medicinskt språk i Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien},
	abstract     = {In this paper, we report on a comparative pilot investigation concerning medical language in The Contemporary Dictionary of the Swedish Academy (SO). Challenges posed by how general languages
dictionaries treat lemmas commonly used in the field of medicine are identified. We clarify how the field of medicine is presented in the first edition of SO (2009). Comparisons are made between SO
and two Swedish specialist Internet resources. The paper is concluded with a discussion of how the field of medicine can be presented in the second edition of SO.},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2018},
	volume       = {25},
	pages        = {95--113},

	title        = {A terminologia Latina till swenska ord. En studie av latinska och svenska lexikala enheter i två juridiska handböcker från 1670-talet},
	abstract     = {In this paper we investigate the use and consolidation of legal vocabulary in two Swedish legal handbooks from 1674 and 1676, written by Clas Rålamb and Claudius Kloot respectively. The handbooks were intended for use by judges, attorneys, plaintiffs and defendants. Both handbooks were written in Swedish, but Rålamb and Kloot were also inspired by Latin. We have analysed from a lexicological starting point sections of the handbooks that deal with civil cases. The survey focuses on 106 legal concepts (LC) and 169 lexical units (LU) from four key semantic areas of the legal process: the ACTIONS, the ACTORS, the ARENAS and the TOOLS. The study shows that Kloot uses more LC and more LU than Rålamb, who, on the other hand, shows larger lexical differentiation than Kloot. Rålamb also is shown to use a larger number of Latin LU than Kloot. The area of TOOLS has the closest connection to Latin, whereas the other semantic areas are more closely related to Swedish. Both authors make use of Latin LU that are still part of Swedish legal vocabulary. Kloot, however, has a stronger tendency to use Swedish LU when possible, while Rålamb more freely combines Swedish and Latin LU.},
	booktitle    = {Harry Lönnroth, Bodil Haagensen, Maria Kvist & Kim Sandvad West (red.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria 14},
	author       = {Rogström, Lena and Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2018},
	publisher    = {Vaasan yliopisto - University of Vaasa},
	address      = {Vaasa},
	ISBN         = {978-952-476-799-6 },

	title        = {(O)lika? Två experters verksamhet inom ett terminologiskt nätverk},
	abstract     = {Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee yhden alan asiantuntijan ja yhden kieliasiantuntijan osallistumista omakielisten käsitteiden ja termien valintaan ja vakiinnuttamiseen Ruotsin kansallisen terminologiakeskuksen toiminnassa 1940‒1983. Vertaamme asiantuntijoiden kommentointia määrällisesti ja laadullisesti induktiivisen luokittelun pohjalta. Aineisto koostuu kirjemuotoisista asiantuntijalausunnoista, joiden pohjalta Tekniska Nomenklaturcentralen (TNC) on antanut alakohtaisia suosituksiaan. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että molemmat asiantuntijat ovat aktiivisia toimijoita lausuntoprosessissa. Kemian alan insinööri Halvard Liander on vastaanottanut 73 ja pohjoismaisten kielten professori Gösta Bergman 84 pyyntöä, joista he ovat jättäneet vastaamatta vain muutaman. Vastausten sisällön tarkastelu osoittaa, että 36 % Lianderin ja 51 % Bergmanin vastauksista kuuluu pääkategoriaan Enkla svar siinä merkityksessä, että niissä hyväksytään annetut ehdotukset, ei oteta kantaa, kerrotaan mielipide parhaasta vaihtoehdosta tai ei ole huomauttamista. Bergman hyväksyy annetut ehdotukset useammin kuin Liander. Sisällöltään kattavammissa pääkategoriassa Utvecklade svar molemmat asiantuntijat pohtivat vastauksissaan useimmiten kielenkäyttöä. Bergman ottaa useammin kantaa kieleen järjestelmänä ja Liander puolestaan kielenvälityksen aspekteihin eli esim. termivastineisiin.},
	booktitle    = {Kääntä, Liisa, Mona Enell-Nilsson & Nicole Keng (utg.), Työelämän viestintä, Arbetslivskommunikation, Workplace Communication, Kommunikation im Berufsleben. VAKKI-symposiumi XXXVIII. Vaasa 8.—9.2.2018},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Pilke, Nina},
	year         = {2018},
	publisher    = {Vaasan yliopisto},
	address      = {Vaasa},
	ISBN         = {978-952-68538-5-7},

	title        = {Introducing a Local Legal Vocabulary in a Latin Context. A Study of Two Swedish 17th Century Approaches},
	abstract     = {In this article, the use and consolidation of legal vocabulary is investigated in two Swed- ish legal handbooks from the 17th century written by Clas Rålamb and Claudius Kloot respectively. Both handbooks were written in Swedish but include elements in Latin. These elements represent original Latin as well as modified Latin, i. e. words and phrases that have been adapted to Swedish morphology. Sections of the handbooks that deal with civil cases were analyzed from a lexicolog- ical starting point. The 106 legal concepts (LC) and 169 lexical units (LU) identified are sorted into four central semantic areas of the legal process: ACTIONS, ARENAS, PARTICIPANTS and TOOLS. Kloot uses more LCs and more LUs than Rålamb who, on the other hand, shows greater lexical differentiation than Kloot. Rålamb is also shown to use a greater number of Latin LUs than Kloot. The area of TOOLS has the closest connection to Latin. Both authors make use of Latin LUs that are still part of Swedish legal vocabulary. Kloot has a stronger tendency to use Swedish LUs when possible, while Rålamb more freely combines Swedish and Latin LUs. Rålamb’s and Kloot’s use of Latin and Swedish LUs is discussed as well as their policies regarding the use of Latin and Swedish. Finally, the lexication of Latin and Swedish LUs in the legal domain in Swedish is discussed.},
	journal      = {Fachsprache. Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Rogström, Lena},
	year         = {2018},
	volume       = {40},
	number       = {3–4},
	pages        = {162–179},

	title        = {Gud, glasburkar och Kinnekulle. Hur skapade sig den västgötske prästen Clas Bjerkander en position som respekterad forskare i 1700-talets Sverige?},
	booktitle    = {Göteborgs Bokmässa 2018, 27 september–30 september 2018},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Rogström, Lena and Horn, Greta},
	year         = {2018},