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	title        = {The past meets the present in Swedish FrameNet++},
	abstract     = {The paper is about a recently initiated project which aims at the development of a Swedish FrameNet as an integral part of a larger lexical resource, hence the name “Swedish FrameNet++” (SweFN++). It focuses on reuse of free electronic resources and their role in the acquisition and population of Swedish frames. After a brief overview of Swedish resources, we reflect on three approaches to recycling the available lexical data in a semi-automatic manner. SweFN++ will be a multi-functional resource supporting research within lexicology and linguistics as well as different applications within computational lexicography and language technology, not to mention e-science.},
	booktitle    = {14th EURALEX International Congress},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2010},
	pages        = {269--281},

	title        = {Avtryck  från  WGLN-­projekten  i  forskningen},
	booktitle    = {Kunskapens  nya  världar},
	author       = {Borin, Lars},
	year         = {2010},
	publisher    = {Uppsala universitet, Uppsala Learning Lab},
	address      = {Uppsala},
	ISBN         = {978-91-506-2189-1},
	pages        = {127--133},

	title        = {Med Zipf mot framtiden - en integrerad lexikonresurs för svensk språkteknologi},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Borin, Lars},
	year         = {2010},
	volume       = {17},
	pages        = {35--54},

	title        = {Swedish FrameNet++},
	journal      = {Swedish Language Technology Conference 2010},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2010},

	title        = {Beyond the synset: Swesaurus – a fuzzy Swedish wordnet},
	journal      = {Re-thinking synonymy: semantic sameness and similarity in languages and their description},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus},
	year         = {2010},

	title        = {From the People’s Synonym Dictionary to fuzzy synsets - first steps},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the LREC 2010 workshop Semantic relations. Theory and Applications},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus},
	year         = {2010},
	pages        = {18--25},

	title        = {Literary onomastics and language technology},
	booktitle    = {Literary education and digital learning},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2010},
	publisher    = {Information Science Reference},
	address      = {Hershey - New York},
	ISBN         = {978-1-60566-932-8},
	pages        = {53--78},

	title        = {Resource and service centres as the backbone for a sustainable service infrastructure},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of LREC 2010},
	author       = {Wittenburg, Peter and Bel, Nuria and Borin, Lars and Budin, Gerhard and Calzolari, Nicoletta and Hajicova, Eva and Koskenniemi, Kimmo and Lemnitzer, Lothar and Mægaard, Bente and Piasecki, Maciej and Pierrel, Jean-Marie and Piperidis, Stelios and Skadina, Inguna and Tufis, Dan and van Veenendal, Remco and Váradi, Tamás and Wynne, Martin},
	year         = {2010},

	title        = {Diabase: Towards a diachronic BLARK in support of historical studies},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of LREC 2010},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2010},