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	title        = {Relational Annotation of Scientific Medical Corpora - A Case Study},
	abstract     = {In life science and biomedicine much knowledge resides as unstructured information in for instance bibliographic databases. To facilitate searching and categorisation of this information the database entries are annotated with terms or keywords, describing for instance diseases, treatments and anatomy. These annotations are limited to concept level and do not describe relations between terms, for example that a given treatment may be used for a given disease, even if this information is available in both the text and terminologies.
In this work we will present a possible approach to extend term annotations with relational information to add another dimension to concept focused annotation schemas. This approach could also be used to highlight implicit information and to structure knowledge. },
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of LOUHI 2011, Third International Workshop on Health Document Text Mining and Information Analysis, Bled Slovenia, 6 July 2011},
	author       = {Eklund, Ann-Marie},
	year         = {2011},
	pages        = {27--34},