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Språkbanken Text is a part of Språkbanken.


	title        = {Growing a Swedish constructicon in lexical soil},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Swedish Language Technology Conference. Lund, October 24-26, 2012},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Prentice, Julia and Rydstedt, Rudolf and Sköldberg, Emma and Tingsell, Sofia},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {10--11},

	title        = {Betydelsebeskrivningar i nordiska ordböcker},
	editor       = {Lorentzen, Henrik and Sköldberg, Emma and Becker-Christensen, Christian and Berg-Olsen, Sturla and Karlholm, Annika and Óskarsson, Veturlidi G. and Skog-Södersved, Mariann},
	year         = {2012},
	publisher    = {Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi},
	address      = {Oslo},

	title        = {A Swedish Academic Word List: Methods and Data},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress 7-11 August, 2012, Oslo},
	author       = {Jansson, Håkan and Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie and Ribeck, Judy Carola and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {978-82-303-2228-4},
	pages        = {955--960},

	title        = {Developing Academic Word Lists for Swedish, Norwegian and Danish – a joint research project},
	abstract     = {This paper reports on a joint multi-disciplinary Nordic project aimed at developing three new academic lexical resources based on corpora consisting of texts from Swedish, Norwegian and Danish academic settings. An academic word list exists for English, but no such lists exist for the Nordic languages. Such a list would be an important resource for both L1 and L2 students in their first years of study, a period when many students struggle to cope with the demands of academia. Moreover, the word lists would be of use to students and teachers at the higher levels of secondary education. An inventory of academic words and phrases would also be a useful tool for researchers of academic language use and for test developers. The paper outlines the initial stages of work on an academic word list for Swedish. Three potential research approaches have been explored: the translation of the English list, extracting academic words from existing corpora, and the compilation of parallel academic corpora where an academic word list is extracted from these. The paper will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches and the benefits of carrying out a joint project involving several languages. The question of entry selection and the information categories of the dictionary entries and the interplay between the entries in the dictionaries and the corpora will also be briefly addressed.},
	booktitle    = {Fjeld, R. V. & J. M. Torjusen (red.) (2012): Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress 7‒11 August, 2012, Oslo, Oslo: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo.},
	author       = {Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie and Sköldberg, Emma and Henriksen, Birgit and Kinn, Kari and Johannessen, Janne Bondi},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {978-82-303-2228-4},
	pages        = {563--569},

	title        = {Tummen upp eller tummen ner? Om användning och beskrivning av konventionaliserade gester i svenskan},
	abstract     = {In this paper I present a study of about 50 Swedish words and word
combinations connected to emblems, i.e. non-verbal acts which
have a direct verbal translation, consisting of a word or a phrase (e.g.
nicka ‘nod’, skaka på huvudet ‘shake one’s head’). Firstly I explore the
usage of the words and word combinations in modern texts included
in the Swedish Language Bank. Secondly I study how they are
treated in four modern monolingual dictionaries. The study shows
that this kind of words and word combinations are a challenge to
lexicographers. The gestures may be difficult to describe (especially
as they can be performed in slightly different ways). Furthermore,
many of the words and word combinations have both a literal and a
metaphorical meaning and very special connotations.},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2012},
	volume       = {19},
	pages        = {183--202.},

	title        = {[Recension av] Schottman, Hans: Vergleichende Idiomatik des Schwedischen (2012).  (Skandinavistik Bd 9.) Münster: LIT},
	journal      = {Språk och stil. Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2012},
	number       = {22:2},
	pages        = {232--236},

	title        = {Adding a constructicon to the Swedish resource network of Språkbanken},
	abstract     = {This paper presents the integrated Swedish resource network of Språkbanken in general, and its latest addition – a constructicon – in particular. The constructicon, which is still in its early stages, is a collection of (partially) schematic multi-word units, constructions, developed as an addition to the Swedish FrameNet (SweFN). SweFN and the constructicon are integrated with other parts of Språkbanken, both lexical resources and corpora, through the lexical resource SALDO. In most respects, the constructicon is modeled on its English counterpart in Berkeley, and, thus, following the FrameNet format. The most striking differencies are the inclusion of so-called collostructional elements and the treatment of semantic roles, which are defined globally instead of locally as in FrameNet. Incorporating subprojects such as developing methods for automatic identification of constructions in authentic text on the one hand, and accounting for constructions problematic for L2 acquisition on the other, the approach is highly cross-disciplinary in nature, combining various theoretical linguistic perspectives on construction grammar with language technology, lexicography, and L2 research.},
	booktitle    = {11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS) Proceedings},
	author       = {Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Prentice, Julia and Rydstedt, Rudolf and Sköldberg, Emma and Tingsell, Sofia},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {3-85027-005-X},
	pages        = {452--461},

	title        = {A och O om akademiska ord. Om framtagning av en svensk akademisk ordlista},
	abstract     = {This paper reports on the development of a new electronic Swedish academic word list,
which will be based on a corpus consisting of texts from a wide range of university subject
areas. (Cf. the English Academic Word List, AWL, presented in Coxhead 1998,
2002.) Once finalized, the dictionary and corpus will be publicly available. The aim of
the word list is to provide an indication of important words for university students, in
particular non-native speakers of Swedish. In order to succeed in higher education, the
mastery of an academic vocabulary may be crucial. A closely related study of extraction
of a school-related vocabulary of secondary school textbooks is the OrdiL project (Lindberg
& Johansson Kokkinakis 2008). The Swedish academic word list will be developed
in cooperation with other Nordic countries in a multi-disciplinary project focusing on
language use in Nordic academic settings.},
	booktitle    = {Nordiska studier i lexikografi 11. Rapport från Konferensen om lexikografi i Norden Lund 24−27 maj 2011. Red. av Birgit Eaker, Lennart Larsson och Anki Mattisson},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {575--585},