@inProceedings{hughes-etal-2012-operavox-201897, title = {operAVoX - On PErson RApid VOice eXaminer}, abstract = {At present, objective analysis of voice quality using acoustic parameters is only possible within a voice laboratory using specialist hardware and software. We have developed an easy-to-use portable voice analysis and feedback application running on the Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. OperaVOX™ combines the signal processing power, easy connectivity, user-friendly interface, high-quality microphones and portability of these handheld devices with novel acoustic voice analysis algorithms to provide a powerful voice quality measurement tool that you can carry in your pocket. OperaVOX™ is designed for anyone who is interested in measuring the quality of their voice, such as a patient recovering following a stroke, a professional voice user such as singers or an aspiring actor. Built into OperaVOX™ are the validated Voice Handicap Index questionnaires and the ability for the user to record their voice for acoustic and perceptual analysis both on board the device and externally in the voice laboratory. Furthermore, the user can instruct OperaVOX™ to automatically and confidentially send these data via email to their speech therapist, voice coach or researcher team. OperaVOX™ makes it easy for everyone to accurately measure changes in the quality of their voice every hour, day, or week and without having to travel to the hospital. Two versions of OperaVOX™ will soon be available on the Apple App Store, one for the general public and another for professionals such as speech and language therapists. We have also worked with world-leading University research teams both in the UK and North America to develop bespoke versions of OperaVOX™ specifically tailored for their research and clinical requirements.}, booktitle = {5th national Conference in Logopedics}, author = {Hughes, Owain Rhys and Alexander, Anil and Forth, Oscar and Lindh, Jonas}, year = {2012}, number = {5}, } @inProceedings{lindh-etal-2012-calculating-162456, title = {Calculating the reliability of a likelihood ratio from a disputed utterance}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IAFPA2012}, author = {Lindh, Jonas and Ochoa, Felipe and Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart}, year = {2012}, volume = {21}, } @inProceedings{morrison-etal-2012-calculating-167148, title = {Calculating the reliability of likelihood ratios: Addressing modelling problems related to small n and tails}, abstract = {In forensic speech science we are often faced with the problem of having a relatively small amount of data which is also multivariate and distributionally complex. This results in a serious problem exactly in the scenario where potentially large strengths of evidence could be obtained, i.e., when the trace data are on a tail of the distribution which models either the prosecution or defence hypothesis and a large magnitude log likelihood ratio is calculated. By definition the sampling of a distribution is sparse on its tails and this problem is compounded if the model is trained on a small amount of data – small fluctuations in the training data can lead to large changes in the calculated likelihoods on the tails and thus large changes in the calculated likelihood ratios for trace data on the tails. Large-magnitude calculated log likelihood ratios are therefore inherently unreliable.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology}, author = {Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart and Ochoa, Felipe and Lindh, Jonas}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, } @book{borin-etal-2012-svenska-163410, title = {Svenska språket i den digitala tidsåldern}, author = {Borin, Lars and Brandt, Martha and Edlund, Jens and Lindh, Jonas and Parkvall, Mikael}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, ISBN = {978-3-642-30831-4}, } @inProceedings{sundqvist-etal-2012-acoustic-162452, title = {Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of speech in 22q11 deletion syndrome: Measures of voice onset time and syllable durations related to articulation and prosody.}, abstract = {Without abstract}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ICPLA2012}, author = {Sundqvist, Maria and Lindh, Jonas and Hartelius, Lena and Persson, Christina}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, } @inProceedings{akesson-etal-2012-voice-162453, title = {Voice Onset Time before and after STN-surgery in patients with Parkinson’s disease}, abstract = {Without abstract}, booktitle = {ICPLA2012}, author = {Åkesson, Joel and Lindh, Jonas and Hartelius, Lena and Carlsson, Emilia}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, } @inProceedings{laakso-etal-2012-swedish-162454, title = {Swedish Test of Intelligibility (STI) – Development of computerized assessment of word and sentence intelligibility and the performance of adult control speakers}, abstract = {Without abstract}, booktitle = {ICPLA2012}, author = {Laakso, Katja and Lindh, Jonas and Hartelius, Lena}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, } @inProceedings{gustavsson-etal-2012-neural-162455, title = {Neural processing of familiar and unfamiliar voices}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IAFPA2012}, author = {Gustavsson, Lisa and Lindh, Jonas and Kallioinen, Petter and Markelius, Marie and Ericsson, Anna and Moniri, Sadegheh Farah and Klintfors, Eeva}, year = {2012}, volume = {21}, }