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	title        = {Multifactor Analysis of Discourse Turn in Greek},
	abstract     = {The present article reports on an experimental study of turn structures in telephone conversations during Greek news broadcasts. Discourse segmentation was carried out based on turn constructional units (TCUs). Turn-taking and turn- leaving alternations of TCUs were analyzed in terms of speaker’s prosodic characteristics, syntactic structures and lexical discourse markers. The results indicate that the speaker's TCU tonal onset and TCU tonal offset along with global tonal variations, as well as word order are discourse correlates of turn-taking and turn-leaving.},
	booktitle    = {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2007 (ICPhS 2007). Saarbrucken, Germany},
	author       = {Botinis, Antonis and Bakakou-Orphanou, Aikaterini and Themistocleous, Charalambos},
	year         = {2007},
	address      = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
	pages        = {1341--1344},