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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


	title        = {Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist},
	abstract     = {The KubHist Corpus is a massive corpus of Swedish historical newspapers, digitized by the Royal Swedish library, and available through the Språkbanken corpus infrastructure Korp. This paper contains a first overview of the KubHist corpus, exploring some of the difficulties with the data, such as OCR errors and spelling variation, and discussing possible paths for improving the quality and the searchability.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 4th Conference of The Association Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 5-8, 2019},
	editor       = {Costanza Navarretta and Manex Agirrezabal and Bente Maegaard},
	author       = {Adesam, Yvonne and Dannélls, Dana and Tahmasebi, Nina},
	year         = {2019},
	publisher    = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
	address      = {Aachen},

	title        = {The Koala Part-of-Speech Tagset},
	abstract     = {We present the Koala part-of-speech tagset for written Swedish. The categorization takes the Swedish Academy Grammar (SAG) as its main starting point, to fit with the current descriptive view on Swedish grammar. We argue that neither SAG, as is, nor any of the existing part-of-speech tagsets meet our requirements for a broadly applicable categorization. Our proposal is outlined and compared to the other descriptions, and motivations for both the tagset as a whole as well as decisions about individual tags are discussed.},
	journal      = {Northern European Journal of Language Technology},
	author       = {Adesam, Yvonne and Bouma, Gerlof},
	year         = {2019},
	volume       = {6},
	pages        = {5--41},

	title        = {Assessing the quality of Språkbanken’s annotations},
	abstract     = {Most of the corpora in Språkbanken Text consist of unannotated plain text, such as almost all newspaper texts, social media texts, novels and official documents. We also have some corpora that are manually annotated in different ways, such as Talbanken (annotated for part-of-speech and syntactic structure), and the Stockholm Umeå Corpus (annotated for part-of-speech). Språkbanken’s annotation pipeline Sparv aims to automatise the work of automatically annotating all our corpora, while still keeping the manual annotations intact. When all corpora are annotated, they can be made available, e.g., in the corpus searh tools Korp and Strix. Until now there has not been any comprehensive overview of the annotation tools and models that Sparv has been using for the last eight years. Some of them have not been updated since the start, such as the part-of-speech tagger Hunpos and the dependency parser MaltParser. There are also annotation tools that we still have not included, such as a constituency-based parser.
Therefore Språkbanken initiated a project with the aim of conducting such an overview. This document is the outcome of that project, and it contains descriptions of the types of manual and automatic annotations that we currently have in Språkbanken, as well as an incomplete overview of the state-of-the-art with regards to annotation tools and models. },
	author       = {Ljunglöf, Peter and Zechner, Niklas and Nieto Piña, Luis and Adesam, Yvonne and Borin, Lars},
	year         = {2019},