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	title        = {Introduction: 
Swedish FrameNet++},
	abstract     = {The Swedish FrameNet++ was designed to be several things. As a digital artifact, it is an integrated panchronic lexical macroresource, primarily for Swedish, but including several other languages, intended as a basic infrastructural component in Swedish language technology research and for developing natural language processing applications. As an activity, it is a long-term R&D initiative,
initially aimed at bringing about this macroresource, and now at maintaining and extending it, at promoting its use in language technology research and application development, as well as ensuring that the results of this research and development in their turn are incorporated in the macroresource. As a product of research, it reflects both computational and linguistic approaches to lexicology,
lexical semantics, and lexical typology.},
	booktitle    = {The Swedish FrameNet++. Harmonization, integration, method development and practical language technology applications / editor(s): Dana Dannélls, Lars Borin and Karin Friberg Heppin },
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},
	address      = {Amsterdam / Philadelphia},
	ISBN         = {978 90 272 5848 9},
	pages        = {3 -- 36},

	title        = {The Swedish FrameNet++
Harmonization, integration, method development
and practical language technology applications},
	abstract     = {Large computational lexicons are central NLP resources. Swedish FrameNet++ aims to be a versatile full-scale lexical resource for NLP containing many kinds of linguistic information. Although focused on Swedish, this ongoing effort, which includes building a new Swedish framenet and recycling existing lexicons, has offered valuable insights into general aspects of lexical-resource building for NLP, which are discussed in this book: computational and linguistic problems of lexical semantics and lexical typology, the nature of lexical items (words and multiword expressions), achieving interoperability among heterogeneous lexical content, NLP methods for extending and interlinking existing lexicons,
and deploying the new resource in practical NLP applications. This book is targeted at everyone with an interest in lexicography, computational lexicography, lexical typology, lexical semantics, linguistics, computational linguistics and related fields. We believe it should be of particular interest to those who are or have been involved in language resource creation, development and evaluation.},
	author       = {Dannélls, Dana and Borin, Lars and Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},
	address      = {Amsterdam, Philadelphia},
	ISBN         = {9789027209900 },

	title        = {Exploiting FrameNet for Swedish: Mismatch?},
	abstract     = {This paper presents work on developing Swedish FrameNet (SweFN) as a resource analogous to the original Berkeley-based FrameNet. We describe the theoretical and practical basics of FrameNet, and articulate some multilingual issues that arise in expanding a linguistic resource from one language to another. SweFN uses FrameNet as a starting point in order to save time and effort, and to make it compatible with other FrameNet-based resources. The lexical units are from the pivot lexicon SALDO, making SweFN compatible with other resources of the larger project SweFN++. It is a corpus-based resource, meant to support tasks within natural language processing relying on semantic data.},
	journal      = {Constructions and Frames},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria},
	year         = {2014},
	volume       = {6},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {52--72},

	title        = {Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {This chapter describes the development of Swedish FrameNet. A new framenet project often follows one of two methodological approaches: (1) extension, through translation of a different-language – often English – framenet into the target language, and (2) merging, where the resource is built from scratch in the target language. Both approaches have their pros and cons, which have been
extensively discussed in the literature. Swedish FrameNet is mainly developed through the extension approach, although balanced with the merging approach. Drawing on the two approaches simultaneously, we describe how integrated language resources and tools have been exploited to create and develop Swedish FrameNet: how it was constructed, what it contains, and the basic assumptions underlying the annotation of its contents. },
	booktitle    = {The Swedish FrameNet++. Harmonization, integration, method development and practical language technology applications},
	author       = {Dannélls, Dana and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},
	address      = {Amsterdam / Philadelphia},
	ISBN         = {978 90 272 5848 9},
	pages        = {37 -- 66},

	title        = {Semantic Role Labeling},
	booktitle    = {The Swedish FrameNet++. Harmonization, integration, method development and practical language technology applications},
	editor       = {Dana Dannélls and Lars Borin and Karin Friberg Heppin},
	author       = {Johansson, Richard and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},
	address      = {Amsterdam / Philadelphia},
	ISBN         = {978 90 272 5848 9},
	pages        = {264–280},

	title        = {Polysemy and questions of lumping or splitting in the construction of Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {When working on a lexical resource, such as Swedish FrameNet (SweFN), assumptions based on linguistic theories are made, and methodological directions based upon
them  are  taken.    These directions  often need  to  be  revised  when  not  beforehand foreseen problems arise.  One assumption that was made already in the early development  stages  of  SweFN  was  that  each lexical  entry  from  the  reference  lexicon, SALDO, would evoke only one semantic frame in SweFN. If a lexical entry evoked more than one frame, it entailed more than one sense and therefore required a new entry in the lexicon.
As  work  progressed,  this  inclination  towards  splitting,  in  the  perpetual  lumpers and splitters discussion proved to be progressively untenable. This paper will give an account of the problems which  were  encountered  and  suggestions for solutions on polysemy issues forcing a discussion on lumping or splitting.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic resources and Semantic Annotation for Natural Language Processing and the Digital Humanities at NODALIDA 2015, Vilnius, 11th May, 2015},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Dannélls, Dana},
	year         = {2015},
	pages        = {12--20},

	title        = {Swedish FrameNet++ The Beginning of the End and the End of the Beginning},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference, Uppsala, 13-14 November 2014},
	author       = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Johansson, Richard and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2014},

	title        = {Encoding of Compounds in Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {Constructing a lexical resource for Swedish, where compounding is highly productive, requires a well-structured policy of encoding. This paper presents the treatment and encoding of a certain class of compounds in Swedish FrameNet, and proposes a new approach for the automatic analysis of Swedish compounds, i.e. one that leverages existing FrameNet and Swedish FrameNet, as well as proven techniques for automatic semantic role labeling.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2014) Workshop at EACL 2014 (Gothenburg, Sweden), April 26-27, 2014. Association for Computational Linguistics.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Petruck, Miriam R.L.},
	year         = {2014},
	ISBN         = {978-1-937284-87-9},
	pages        = {67--71},

	title        = {Introduction: Constructions and frames meet language technology},
	journal      = {Constructions and Frames},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and de Melo, Gerard and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Torrent, Tiago Timponi},
	year         = {2014},
	volume       = {6},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {1--8},

	title        = {Using language technology resources and tools to construct Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {Having access to large lexical and grammatical resources when creating a
new language resource
is essential for its enhancement and enrichment. This paper describes the
interplay and interac-
tive utilization of different language technology tools and resources, in p
articular the Swedish
lexicon SALDO and Swedish Constructicon, in the creation of Swedish Frame
Net. We show
how integrating resources in a larger infrastructure is much more than the su
m of the parts. },
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, Dublin Ireland, August 24, 2014},
	author       = {Dannélls, Dana and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Ehrlemark, Anna},
	year         = {2014},
	ISBN         = {978-1-873769-44-7},
	pages        = {8--17},

	title        = {Search using semantic FrameNet frames as variables},
	abstract     = {This paper discusses the possibilty of using semantic frames as variables as a way to search using concepts rather than
words as search keys. It aims to show, by an example, what results it could render, rather than how to do it.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of Sixth Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval (ESAIR 2013), held at CIKM 2013 in San Francisco},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2013},
	ISBN         = {978-1-4503-2413-7 },
	pages        = {25--28},

	title        = {Assessors assessing assessments},
	abstract     = {This paper summarizes a questionnaire put to assessors of a
medical test collection adjusted to user groups: health care professionals
and lay persons. Three assessors were medical students, while two had
no medical training.  The study shows how persons with different level of expertise may reason when assigning relevance and target groups. A clear bias was found toward assigning target group of documents and topics to the assessors' own group.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 4th International Louhi Workshop on Health Document Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi 2013)},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Järvelin, Anni},
	year         = {2013},

	title        = {Use of support verbs in FrameNet annotations},
	abstract     = {This article discusses the frame  emantic annotations done in the Swedish FrameNet (SweFN) at the Centre for Language Technology (CLT) at the University of Gothenburg. The annotations are made manually, and result in full-coded frames. These are conceptual structures representing the description of types of situations, objects or events. We focus on annotations where verbs combine with nouns to produce predicates, e.g. göra 'make' in göra uppehåll ‘make a pause.’ These verbs are called support verbs, and the corresponding constructions support verb constructions (SVC). Not all verb-noun-combinations are SVCs, and adequate defining features are required to identify eligible SVCs. The focus of this paper is to scrutinize the criteria through which this aim can be achieved. Working at the CLT, we have access to a variety of computational research tools and a large Swedish text corpus. These resources buttress the annotation by showing, among other things, frequential properties of verb-noun combinations. We also discuss lexico-semantic features of the Swedish language as revealed through annotations.},
	booktitle    = {Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of the eLex 2013 conference, 17-19 October 2013, Tallinn, Estonia.},
	author       = {Voionmaa, Kaarlo and Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2013},

	title        = {Towards Improving Search Results for Medical Experts and Laypersons},
	abstract     = {In a domain such as medicine, it is important that individuals’ infor-mation needs are met with information on a suitable level of difficulty and ex-pertise. This paper focuses on facilitating medical information access through reformulating queries and re-ranking result lists utilizing features typical for the language written for professionals or for laypersons. The aim is to produce re-sult lists where the ranking is better suited for the expertise level of the user. We will explore the possibility of using features such as trigger phrases for que-ry reformulation and document length, average word length or compound ratio for re-ranking.
The Swedish medical IR test collection, MedEval, from Språkbanken, Uni-versity of Gothenburg, will be used to find features specific for professional language and lay language and to study the effectiveness of these features in re-formulating queries and re-ranking search results based on the target group. The test collection contains 42,250 documents from the medical corpus MedLex , collected from all types of written medical information found in electronic for-mat, except patient records. The collection contains 62 topics. In total, 7,044 documents have been assessed both for relevance to these topics and for tar-get group.
Our experiments will be based on earlier explorative studies on medical ex-pert and lay language where some features were identified. It was found that documents written for professionals tended to have more tokens per document, longer words, and more compounds than lay documents.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of CLEFeHealth 2012},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Järvelin, Anni},
	year         = {2012},

	title        = {Practical aspects of transferring the English Berkeley FrameNet to other languages},
	abstract     = {This paper discusses work on annotating data in semantic frames. The work is carried out in the Swedish Framenet project,
SweFN++, and it is theoretically and practically closely connected to the English Berkeley Framenet. In order for the framenet to be a useful tool for linguistic research and for applications based on it, it is essential that problems encountered while annotating the data will be thoroughly discussed before any solutions are provided. Here, two questions are in focus: firstly, the problematic relation between certain word combinations in English that translate as compounds in Swedish, and secondly, the cross-language
semantic differences between English and Swedish. These problematic cases are brought to discussion in order to find solutions to them at a later phase. Languages differ, and it is crucial for the framenet endeavour to describe and analyse these differences in a systematic and valid manner drawing theoretically on the frame semantics.},
	booktitle    = {SLTC 2012 The Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference Lund, October 24-26, 2012 Proceedings of the Conference},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Voionmaa, Kaarlo},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {28--29},

	title        = {PROMISE Retreat Report Prospects and Opportunities for Information Access Evaluation},
	abstract     = {The PROMISE network of excellence organized a two-days brainstorming workshop on 30th and 31st May 2012 in Padua, Italy, to discuss and envisage future directions and perspectives for the evaluation of information access and retrieval systems in multiple languages and multiple media. This document reports on the outcomes of this event and provides details about the six envisaged research lines: search applications; contextual evaluation; challenges in test collection design and exploitation; component-based evaluation; ongoing evaluation; and signal-aware evaluation. The ultimate goal of the PROMISE retreat is to stimulate and involve the research community along these research lines and to provide funding agencies with effective and scientifically sound ideas for coordinating and supporting information access research.},
	journal      = {ACM SIGIR Forum},
	author       = {Ferro, Nicola and Berentsen, Richard and Hanbury, Allan and Lupu, Mihai and Petras, Vivien and De Rijke, Marten and Silvello, Gianmaria and Agosti, Maristella and Bogers, Toine and Braschler, Martin and Buitelaar, Paul and Choukri, Khalid and Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria and Forner, Pamela and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Hansen, Preben and Järvelin, Anni and Larsen, Birger and Masiero, Ivano and Müller, Henning and Peruzzo, Simone and Piori, Florina and Santucci, Guiseppe and Thoms, Elaine},
	year         = {2013},
	volume       = {46},
	number       = {2},
	pages        = {60--84},

	title        = {Using FrameNet in Communicative Language Teaching},
	abstract     = {This article describes how a lexical database such as FrameNet in its different language versions can be used for communicative language teaching, an approach which focuses on communicative rather than grammatical competence. Using the semantic frames of FrameNet to illustrate situations on which to base teaching can bring about a natural flow in the organisation of teaching materials, in syllabus construction, and in the planning of individual lessons. FrameNet can also support language students in learning to communicate in different situations. The frames can guide them in choosing lexical units and sentence patterns.},
	booktitle    = { Proceedings of the XV EURALEX International Congress in Oslo, Norway},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Friberg, Håkan},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {978-82-303-2228-4},

	title        = {Search Result Diversification Methods to Assist Lexicographers},
	abstract     = {We show how the lexicographic task of finding informative and diverse example sentences can be cast as a search result diversification problem, where an objective based on relevance and diversity is maximized. This problem has been studied intensively in the information retrieval community during recent years, and efficient algorithms have been devised.

We finally show how the approach has been implemented in a
lexicographic project, and describe the relevance and diversity
functions used in that context.
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 6th Linguistic Annotation Workshop},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Johansson, Richard and Kjellandsson, Annika},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {113--117},

	title        = {The Rocky Road towards a Swedish FrameNet – Creating SweFN},
	abstract     = {The Swedish FrameNet project, SweFN, is a lexical resource under development, designed to support both humans and different
applications within language technology, such as text generation, text understanding and information extraction. SweFN is constructed
in line with the Berkeley FrameNet and the project is aiming to make it a free, full-scale, multi-functional lexical resource covering
morphological, syntactic, and semantic descriptions of 50,000 entries. Frames populated by lexical units belonging to the general
vocabulary dominate in SweFN, but there are also frames from the medical and the art domain. As Swedish is a language with very
productive compounding, special attention is paid to semantic relations within the one word compounds which populate the frames.
This is of relevance for understanding the meaning of the compounds and for capturing the semantic and syntactic alternations which
are brought about in the course of compounding. SweFN is a component within a complex of modern and historical lexicon resources
named SweFN++, available at <>.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eighth conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2012); Istanbul, Turkey},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {256--261},

	title        = {Semantic Role Labeling with the Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {We present the first results on semantic role labeling using the Swedish FrameNet, which is a lexical resource currently in development. Several aspects of the task are investigated, including the selection of machine learning features, the effect of choice of syntactic parser, and the ability of the system to generalize to new frames and new genres.
In addition, we evaluate two methods to make the role label classifier more robust: cross-frame generalization and cluster-based features.
Although the small amount of training data limits the performance achievable at the moment, we reach promising results. In particular, the classifier that extracts the boundaries of arguments works well for new frames, which suggests that it already at this stage can be useful in a semi-automatic setting.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12); Istanbul, Turkey; May 23-25},
	author       = {Johansson, Richard and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {978-2-9517408-7-7},
	pages        = {3697--3700},

	title        = {Using Stylistic Differences in Information Retrieval},
	abstract     = {The MedEval test collection is a newly constructed Swedish medical test collection, unique in its kind providing the possibility
to choose user group: doctors or patients. A test collection such as MedEval makes it possible to study how to construct queries
in order to retrieve documents intended for one group or the other.},
	booktitle    = {The Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2010). Proceedings of the Conference.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2010},
	pages        = {29--30},

	title        = {Decomposition of Compounds and the Effect on Search Key Effectiveness in Information Retrieval},
	abstract     = {Research on compound decomposition in information retrieval has mostly been performed comparing decomposition of all
compounds in index and query with that of no compounds; and either all constituents have been used or none. This study
suggests that improvements may be achieved by selective decomposition and by selective use of compound constituents.},
	booktitle    = {SLTC 2010 Workshop on Compounds and Multiword Expressions. Proceedings.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2010},

	title        = {MedEval- A Swedish Medical Test Collection with Doctors and Patients User Groups },
	abstract     = {MedEval is a Swedish medical test collection where assessments have been made, not only  for topical relevance, but also for target reader group: Doctors or Patients. The user of the test collection can choose if s/he wishes to search in the Doctors or the Patients scenarios where the topical relevance assessments have been adjusted with consideration to user group, or to search in a scenario which regards only topical relevance. MedEval makes it possible to compare the effectiveness of search terms when it comes to retrieving documents aimed at the different user groups. MedEval is also the first medical Swedish test collection.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the North American Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2010. Louhi'10 - Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents, Los Angeles, Ca.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2010},
	pages        = {1--7},

	title        = {MedEval — A Swedish medical test collection with doctors and patients user groups},
	abstract     = {Background

Test collections for information retrieval are scarce. Domain specific test collections even more so, and medical test collections in the Swedish language non-existent prior to the making of the MedEval test collection. Most research in information retrieval has been performed in the English language, thus most test collections contain English documents. However, English is morphologically poor compared to many other European languages and a number of interesting and important aspects have not been investigated. Building a medical test collection in Swedish opens new research opportunities.


This article describes the making of and potential uses of MedEval, a Swedish medical test collection with assessments, not only for topical relevance, but also for target reader group: Doctors or Patients. A user of the test collection may choose if she wishes to search in the Doctors or the Patients scenario where the topical relevance assessments have been adjusted with consideration to user group, or to search in a scenario which regards only topical relevance.

In addition to having three user groups, MedEval, in its present form, has two indexes, one where the terms are lemmatized and one where the terms are lemmatized and the compounds split and the constituents indexed together with the whole compound.


Differences discovered between the documents written for medical professionals and documents written for laypersons are presented. These differences may be utilized in further studies of retrieval of documents aimed at certain groups of readers. Differences between the groups of documents are, for example, that professional documents have a higher ratio of compounds, have a greater average word length and contain more multi-word expressions.

An experiment is described where the user scenarios have been utilized, searching with expert terms and lay terms, separately and in combination in the different scenarios. The tendency discovered is that the medical expert gets best results using expert terms and the lay person best results using lay terms, but also quite good results using expert terms or lay and expert terms in combination.


The many features of MedEval gives a variety of research possibilities, such as comparing the effectiveness of search terms when it comes to retrieving documents aimed at the different user groups or to study the effect of compound decomposition in retrieval of documents. As Swedish, the language of MedEval, is a morphologically more complex language than English, it is possible to study additional aspects of the effect of natural language processing in information retrieval, for example utilizing different inflectional word forms in the retrieval of expert vs lay documents. MedEval is the first Swedish test collection of the medical domain.


The Department of Swedish at the University of Gothenburg is in the process of making the MedEval test collection available to academic researchers. },
	journal      = {Journal of Biomedical Semantics},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2011},
	volume       = {2},
	number       = {3},

	title        = {Resolving power of search keys in MedEval, a Swedish medical test collection with user groups: doctors and patients},
	abstract     = {This thesis describes the making of a Swedish medical text collection, unique in its kind in providing a possibility to choose user group: doctors or patients. The thesis also describes a series of pilot studies which demonstrate what kind of studies can be performed with such a collection. The pilot studies are focused on search key effectivity: What makes a search key good, and what makes a search key bad? The need to bring linguistics and consideration of terminology into the information retrieval research field is demonstrated. Most information retrieval is about finding free text documents. Documents are built of terms, as are topics and search queries. It is important to understand the functions and features of these terms and not treat them like featureless objects. The thesis concludes that terms are not equal, but show very different behavior. The thesis addresses the problem of compounds, which, if used as search keys, will not match corresponding simplex words in the documents, while simplex words as search keys will not match corresponding compounds in the documents. The thesis discusses how compounds can be split to obtain more matches, without lowering the quality of a search. Another important aspect of the thesis is that it considers how different language registers, in this case those of doctors and patients, can be utilized to find documents written with one of the groups in mind. As the test collection contains a large set of documents marked for intended target group, doctors or patients, the language differences can be and are studied. The author comes up with suggestions of how to choose search keys if documents from one category or the other are desired. Information retrieval is a multi-disciplinary research field. It involves computer science, information science, and natural language processing. There is a substantial amount of research behind the algorithms of modern search engines, but even with the best possible search algorithm the result of a search will not be successful without an effective query constructed with effective search keys.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2010},
	publisher    = {University of Gothenburg},
	address      = {Göteborg},
	ISBN         = {978-91-87850-41-7},

	title        = {Friskare klimat med rätt information - Vi bygger MedEval, en medicinsk testkollektion för svensk forskning inom informationssökning},
	abstract     = {Hittar du rätt dokument? Tycker du sökmotorer borde ge dig fler och bättre träffar? Om sökmotorer ska bli bättre på svenska behövs forskning på svenska. För att forska på svenska behövs svenskt forskningsmaterial. På Språkdata bygger vi MedEval, en testkollektion för forskning inom svensk medicinsk informationssökning. },
	journal      = {Humanistdag-boken nr 20, Klimat, Humanistdagarna 2007, Göteborgs universitet},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2007},
	volume       = {20},
	pages        = {45--52},

	title        = {MedEval - Six Test Collections in One},
	booktitle    = {NEALT Proceedings Series. Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA. May 14-16, 2009. Odense, Denmark },
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2009},
	volume       = {4},
	pages        = {223--226},

	title        = {MedEval - The Construction of a Swedish Medical Test Collection},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the second Swedish Language Technology Conference, SLTC 2008. November 20-21 2008, Stockholm.},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2008},
	pages        = {31--32},

	title        = {Decomposing Swedish Compounds Using Memory-Based Learning},
	booktitle    = {Nodalida 2007, maj 2007, Tartu, Estland},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2007},

	title        = {Query Expansion Using Domain Information in Compounds},
	booktitle    = {NAACL-HTL 2007, 22-27 april, Rochester, NY, USA},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2007},

	title        = {Sjuka uppslag},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin},
	year         = {2006},
	publisher    = {Göteborg University},
	address      = {Göteborg},