@inProceedings{borin-etal-2011-semantic-140686, title = {Semantic Search in Literature as an e-Humanities Research Tool: CONPLISIT – Consumption Patterns and Life-Style in 19th Century Swedish Literature}, abstract = {We present our ongoing work on language technology-based e-science in the humanities, with a focus on text-based research in the historical sciences. Currently, we are working on the adaptation and integration of lexical resources representing different historical stages of Swedish into a lexical and morphological toolbox that will allow us to develop semantically oriented text search applications for historical research on Swedish text. We describe a semantic search prototype which was built using REST web services from this toolbox as components, and which has been evaluated by historians interested in using digitized 19th century novels as primary data for an historical investigation of the emerging consumer society in 19th century Sweden.}, booktitle = {NEALT Proceedings Series (NODALIDA 2011 Conference Proceedings)}, author = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Ahlberger, Christer}, year = {2011}, volume = {11}, pages = {58--65}, }