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	title        = {Two for the price of one: an LFG treatment of sentence initial object es in German.},
	abstract     = {    We present an analysis of sentence initial object es ‘it’ in German. The
weak pronoun es may only realize such an object under specific information
structural conditions. We follow recent work suggesting these conditions are
exactly those that licence the use of the presentational construction, marked
by a sentence initial dummy es. We propose that the initial objects are an
example of function amalgamation, show that only objects that may also
appear in the clause-internal postverbal domain can participate in this fusion
and make this precise in LFG. We end the paper with a contrastive discussion.
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of LFG'12. Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (Eds.)},
	author       = {Theiler, Nadine and Bouma, Gerlof},
	year         = {2012},
	pages        = {603--623},