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	title        = {Formalising the Swedish Constructicon in Grammatical Framework},
	abstract     = {This paper presents a semi-automatic approach to acquire a computational construction grammar from the semi-formal
Swedish Constructicon. The implementation is based on the resource grammar
library provided by Grammatical Framework and can be seen as an extension to
the existing Swedish resource grammar.
An important consequence of this work is
that it generates feedback, explicit and implicit, on how to improve the annotation
consistency and adequacy of the original
construction resource. },
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF) Workshop, 53rd Annual Meeting of the ACL and 7th IJCNLP, Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015},
	author       = {Gruzitis, Normunds and Dannélls, Dana and Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Ranta, Aarne},
	year         = {2015},
	ISBN         = {978-1-932432-66-4},
	pages        = {49----56},

	title        = {Polysemy and questions of lumping or splitting in the construction of Swedish FrameNet},
	abstract     = {When working on a lexical resource, such as Swedish FrameNet (SweFN), assumptions based on linguistic theories are made, and methodological directions based upon
them  are  taken.    These directions  often need  to  be  revised  when  not  beforehand foreseen problems arise.  One assumption that was made already in the early development  stages  of  SweFN  was  that  each lexical  entry  from  the  reference  lexicon, SALDO, would evoke only one semantic frame in SweFN. If a lexical entry evoked more than one frame, it entailed more than one sense and therefore required a new entry in the lexicon.
As  work  progressed,  this  inclination  towards  splitting,  in  the  perpetual  lumpers and splitters discussion proved to be progressively untenable. This paper will give an account of the problems which  were  encountered  and  suggestions for solutions on polysemy issues forcing a discussion on lumping or splitting.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic resources and Semantic Annotation for Natural Language Processing and the Digital Humanities at NODALIDA 2015, Vilnius, 11th May, 2015},
	author       = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Dannélls, Dana},
	year         = {2015},
	pages        = {12--20},