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	title        = {State-of-the-art on monolingual lexicography for Sweden},
	abstract     = {The minireview describes the state-of-the-art of Swedish monolingual lexicography. The main actors in the field, both commercial and non-commercial, are mentioned alongside with the description of lexicographic products that have been offered by them to the lexicon users. The minireview makes it clear that there is an obvious tendency among the Swedish dictionary users to abandon paper-based dictionaries and switch over to online portals and apps, which influences the practices adopted by commercial publishing houses, such as Norstedts, Bonniers, Natur & Kultur. Among the leading non-commercial players, the Swedish Academy, the Swedish Language Bank, Institute for Language and Folklore are named. Swedish monolingual lexicography offers, however, dictionaries produced not only by experts but also by non-experts (i.e. using the efforts of the crowd).},
	journal      = {Slovenščina 2.0: Empirical, Applied and Interdisciplinary Research},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Holmer, Louise and Volodina, Elena and Pilán, Ildikó},
	year         = {2019},
	volume       = {7},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {13--24},

	title        = {The image of the monolingual dictionary across Europe. Results of the European survey of dictionary use and culture},
	abstract     = {The article presents the results of a survey on dictionary use in Europe, focusing on general monolingual dictionaries. The survey is the broadest survey of dictionary use to date, covering close to 10,000 dictionary users (and non-users) in nearly thirty countries. Our survey covers varied user groups, going beyond the students and translators who have tended to dominate such studies thus far. The survey was delivered via an online survey platform, in language versions specific to each target country. It was completed by 9,562 respondents, over 300 respondents per country on average. The survey consisted of the general section, which was translated and presented to all participants, as well as country-specific sections for a subset of 11 countries, which were drafted by collaborators at the national level. The present report covers the general section},
	journal      = {International Journal of Lexicography},
	author       = {Kosem, Iztok and Lew, Robert and Müller-Spitzer, Carolin and Ribeiro Silveira,  Maria and Wolfer ,  Sascha  and Volodina, Elena and Pilán, Ildikó and Sköldberg, Emma and Holmer, Louise and Dorn, Amelie and Gurrutxaga, Antton and Lorentzen, Henrik and Kallas, Jelena and Abel, Andrea and Tiberius, Carole and Partners , Local},
	year         = {2019},
	volume       = {32},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {92–114},

	title        = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019), September 30, Turku Finland},
	abstract     = {The workshop series on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL) is a meeting place for researchers working on the integration of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies in CALL systems and exploring the theoretical and methodological issues arising in this connection. The latter includes, among others, insights from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, on the one hand, and promote development of “Computational SLA” through setting up Second Language research infrastructure(s), on the other.

The intersection of Natural Language Processing (or Language Technology / Computational Linguistics) and Speech Technology with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) brings “understanding” of language to CALL tools, thus making CALL intelligent. This fact has given the name for this area of research – Intelligent CALL, ICALL. As the definition suggests, apart from having excellent knowledge of Natural Language Processing and/or Speech Technology, ICALL researchers need good insights into second language acquisition theories and practices, as well as knowledge of second language pedagogy and didactics. This workshop invites therefore a wide range of ICALL-relevant research, including studies where NLP-enriched tools are used for testing SLA and pedagogical theories, and vice versa, where SLA theories, pedagogical practices or empirical data are modeled in ICALL tools.

The NLP4CALL workshop series is aimed at bringing together competences from these areas for sharing experiences and brainstorming around the future of the field.
	author       = {Alfter, David and Volodina, Elena and Borin, Lars and Pilán, Ildikó and Lange, Herbert},
	year         = {2019},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet},
	address      = {Linköping},
	ISBN         = {978-91-7929-998-9},

	title        = {Lärka: From Language Learning Platform to Infrastructure for Research on Language Learning},
	abstract     = {Lärka is an Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) platform developed at Språkbanken, as a flexible and a valuable source of additional learning material (e.g. via corpusbased exercises) and a support tool for both teachers and L2 learners of Swedish and students of (Swedish) linguistics. Nowadays, Lärka is being adapted into a building block in an emerging second language research infrastructure within a larger context of the text-based research infrastructure developed by the national Swedish Language bank, Språkbanken, and SWE-CLARIN. Lärka has recently received a new responsive user interface adapted to different devices with different screen sizes. Moreover, the system has also been augmented with new functionalities. These recent additions aim at improving the usability and the usefulness of the platform for pedagogical purposes. The most important development, though, is the adaptation of the platform to serve as a component in an e-infrastructure supporting research on language learning and multilingualism. Thanks to Lärka’s service-oriented architecture, most functionalities are also available as web services which can be easily re-used by other applications.},
	booktitle    = {Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings},
	author       = {Alfter, David and Borin, Lars and Pilán, Ildikó and Lindström Tiedemann, Therese and Volodina, Elena},
	year         = {2019},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Press},
	address      = {Linköping},
	ISBN         = {978-91-7685-034-3},