@article{skoldberg-wenner-2020-folkmun-282120, title = {Folkmun.se: A Study of a User-Generated Dictionary of Swedish }, abstract = {This study examines the Swedish user-generated web dictionary Folkmun.se, encompassing roughly 5,000 entries. Initially a general overview of the website is presented, followed by an analysis of how the content of Folkmun.se has developed, with particular focus on 190 usernames. The contributors can be grouped together based on two distinct factors: 1) by number of contributions, and 2) by the kind of words they prefer to submit. One conclusion of this study is that a great majority of contributors only publish one or two entries. This entails that a large number of users have contributed to the dictionary. Furthermore, a majority chooses to focus on dialect words or slang words. Many of these entries are not represented in traditional Swedish dictionaries. The advantages of having people of different backgrounds and skills working with word collections are obvious, and their work is an important, albeit often neglected, contribution to general linguistics.}, journal = {International Journal of Lexicography}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma and Wenner, Lena}, year = {2020}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, pages = {1–16}, } @article{petersson-skoldberg-2020-beskriva-298455, title = {Beskriva utan att diskriminera. Representation av könsidentitet och sexuell läggning i Svensk ordbok}, abstract = {The purpose of the paper is to present and discuss the treatment of controversial words in the development of a new edition of the Swedish monolingual dictionary Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien (SO), which is expected to be published in 2021. The focus of the article is on the semantic fields of sexual orientation and gender identity, and the challenges met in the process of developing a non-discriminatory and descriptively adequate resource. A more inclusive and updated lemma list is put forward, as well as revisions of definitions and linguistic examples. The article discusses usage labels of negatively charged words and explores the role of links to promote non-discriminatory word choices. Furthermore, methodological questions are raised, and the role of corpora and other sources of data is discussed.}, journal = {LexicoNordica 27}, author = {Petersson, Stellan and Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2020}, number = {27}, pages = {97--115}, } @inProceedings{petersson-skoldberg-2020-discriminate-298344, title = {To discriminate between discrimination and inclusion: a lexicographer’s dilemma}, abstract = {The overall theme of this paper is the balance between descriptive adequacy and discrimination in dictionaries. More specifically, the purpose is to describe the process of revising dictionary articles related to the grounds of discrimination in the forthcoming edition of the Swedish monolingual dictionary Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien [The Contemporary Dictionary of the Swedish Academy], which is expected to be published in 2020. The focus of the article is on the semantic fields related to sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age. Updates of the lemma list, based on a more diverse data set, are presented. Furthermore,revisions of definitions and linguistic examples, motivated by the new data and principles of inclusion,are shown. We also discuss usage labels of negatively charged words and explore cross-references and their role in facilitating non-discriminatory word choices. Moreover, methodological questions are raised, and the role of corpora and other data gathering methods are considered.}, booktitle = {Euralex2020. Proceedings Book, volume 1. 7-11 September 2021. Zoe Gavriilidou, Maria Mitsiaki and Asimakis Fliatouras (eds.). }, author = {Petersson, Stellan and Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2020}, publisher = {European Association for Lexicography}, ISBN = { 978-618-85138-1-5}, } @inProceedings{skoldberg-2020-egennamnsanvandning-299385, title = {Egennamnsanvändning och representativitet i Svensk ordbok}, abstract = {This paper presents a study of the usage of proper names in general Swedish dictionaries. The main focus is on proper names in Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien (SO 2009) as a whole (i.e. as lemmas, in definitions, in language examples etc.). I will discuss, among other things, the general principles concerning the prevalence of proper names in the dictionary. Some of the topics that will be addressed are types of proper names, where they appear and their representativity (e.g. concerning gender and ethnicity). As a conclusory remark, I will discuss the possibility of including proper names in the lemma list of the forthcoming revised edition of the dictionary, scheduled to be published in 2021}, booktitle = {Namn i skrift. Names in writing. Handlingar från NORNA:s 48:e symposium i Göteborg den 29-30 nov. 2018. Red. av M. Löfdahl, M. Waldispühl & L. Wenner}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Meijerbergs institut för svensk etymologisk forskning, Göteborgs universitet}, address = {Göteborg}, ISBN = {978-91-7276-098-1}, } @article{skoldberg-2020-inkluderande-295861, title = {En mer inkluderande lexikografi – bortom frågan om kvinnor och män}, abstract = {I artikeln behandlas ordböcker ur ett genusperspektiv. I första hand diskuteras, utifrån befintlig genuskritisk forskning, innehållet i det enspråkiga verket Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien (SO, 2009). Vidare presenteras resultaten av en undersökning som gäller användningen av substantiven "tjej" och "kille" i SO:s språkprov. Dessa resultat utgör underlag för resonemang kring några av de förändringar som är aktuella inför nästa upplaga av ordboken, som är under utarbetande. }, journal = {Oslo Studies in Language (red. Janne Bondi Johannessen & Kristin Hagen: Leksikografi og korpus. En hyllest til Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld)}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2020}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {7--30}, } @inProceedings{petersson-skoldberg-2020-sexuell-293044, title = {Om sexuell läggning och könsidentitet i en enspråkig svensk ordbok }, booktitle = {Kontroversielle ord i nordiske ordbøker. Symposium, Lysebu, 20–22 februari 2020. Nordisk forening for leksikografi. }, author = {Petersson, Stellan and Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2020}, }