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	title        = {Evaluation of a Two-OCR Engine Method: First Results on Digitized Swedish Newspapers Spanning over nearly 200 Years},
	abstract     = {In this paper we present a two-OCR engine method that was developed at Kungliga biblioteket (KB), the National Library of Sweden, for improving the correctness of the OCR for mass digitization of Swedish newspapers. We report the first quantitative evaluation results on a material spanning over nearly 200 years. In this first evaluation phase we experimented with word lists for different time periods. Although there was no significant overall improvement of the OCR results, the evaluation shows that some combinations of word lists are successful for certain periods and should therefore be explored further. },
	booktitle    = { CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, (Virtual Event), 5-7 October, 2020. Book of Abstracts},
	author       = {Dannélls, Dana and Björk, Lars and Dirdal, Ove  and Johansson, Torsten },
	year         = {2020},