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	title        = {Ingenjörer, termer och begrepp. Elektroteknikföretaget Aseas insatser inom ett svenskt terminologiskt nätverk 1941–1983},
	abstract     = {In this paper, we study how Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget – Asea has participated in and influenced terminology work coordinated by the national terminology centre, Swedish Centre for Technical Terminology – TNC, in Sweden during 1941–1983. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the development of Swedish (technical) terminology based on networking and experts’ efforts. Based on archive material, we analyze who have been the active “Asea experts”, in what ways they were involved in the development processes and what effects their efforts had on the term recommendations given by TNC. The archive material consists of written documents relating to the work process developed by John Wennerberg, who led TNC between 1941 and 1957. The process was carried out in the form of 373 formal survey letters representing 16 subject fields, with both TNC and external parties participating. Our results show that the 52 “Asea experts” play a visible role in the processes by 408 received survey letters within all 16 subject fields. The high response rate, 89.5 %, reveal the experts’ involvement in the process and their high esteem of TNC´s work. The analysis of the comprehensive survey letter R198 shows that Wennerberg has considered the experts’ answers regarding terms (selection, linguistic form, acceptance/discourage) and definitions when he has published TNC’s recommendations. Our study shows that networking and experts representing the corporate sector have been an inseparable part of the development of Swedish (technical) terminology during several decades.},
	journal      = {Työelämän viestintä III, Arbetslivskommunikation III, Workplace Communication III, Kommunikation im Berufsleben III. VAKKI Symposium XL 6.–7.2.2020, toim./red./eds/Hrsg Heidi Hirsto, Mona Enell-Nilsson, Hannele Kauppinen-Räisänen, Nicole Keng, VAKKI Publications 12},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Pilke, Nina},
	year         = {2020},
	number       = {12},
	pages        = {253–266},

	title        = {[Recension av] Svenskan i Finland – i dag och i går. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursällskapet
i Finland.) Helsingfors: Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland 2015–2019. ISSN 0039-6842.},
	journal      = {Språk och stil. Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2020},
	volume       = {30},
	pages        = {294--307},

	title        = {Försiktiga myndigheter och tvärsäkra politiker?},
	journal      = {Språkbruk},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2020},
	volume       = {2020},
	number       = {3},
	pages        = {38--41},

	title        = {"Dock medgifver jag, at af et års Rön ej kan göras någon allmän slutsats" Clas Bjerkander konstruerar och positionerar sig som vetenskaplig skribent},
	abstract     = {In this study we aim to clarify how the 18th-century amateur researcher Clas Bjerkander succeeds in profiling himself and his research in the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Science (TRAS). Bjerkander is known for his research in entomology, a science that in the early 18th century had very practical goals. Deeper knowledge and more thorough descriptions of insects offered better possibilities to prevent crop failure. Bjerkander found over 200 different species of insects, and the most important channel to disseminate his research was the TRAS, where he published his findings (49 texts in all) and kept himself up to date with Swedish natural science on a more general basis. In our study, based on Swales’ genre theory, we focus on the textual features that Bjerkander uses in order to express scientific knowledge, but also on how he profiles himself as a researcher. We relate the textual features to three sub-genres that we identify in his findings. The results show that Bjerkander uses different sets of features for different sub-genres, with the Examination sub-genre coming closest to the modern scientific article of today. Bjerkander’s most important tool in profiling himself as a researcher is the use of references, mostly to his own research but also to some of the most important researchers of his time. Our study also shows that the development of scientific sub-genres is to be studied preferably without relating the texts in question to present-day standards of scientific texts.},
	booktitle    = {Språkmöte och språkhistoria. Studier i svensk språkhistoria 15. Red. Daniel Sävborg, Eva Liina Asu & Anu Laanemets (Nordistica Tartuensia 21)},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Rogström, Lena and Horn, Greta},
	year         = {2020},
	publisher    = {University  of Tartu Press},
	address      = {Tartu},
	ISBN         = {978-9949-03-264-8},