@techreport{morger-2024-when-342179, title = {When Sparv met Superlim. . . A Sparv Plugin for Natural Language Understanding Analysis of Swedish}, abstract = {This technical report introduces Sparv-Superlim, a Sparv plugin for natural language understanding analysis of Swedish. It uses the reference models trained on the Superlim multi-task benchmark to add additional analyses to the Sparv Pipeline. I show how to install and configure the tool as well as apply it to analyze Swedish political manifestos to see if the predictions the plugin does align with known political positions of Swedish parties. These use cases shows that the reference models vary in their applicability to predict correct sentiments on novel data and illustrates the importance of integrating reference models trained on a multi-task benchmark like Superlim to evaluate the ecological validity of the benchmark.}, author = {Morger, Felix}, year = {2024}, } @inProceedings{morger-2024-swediagnostics-341148, title = {SweDiagnostics: A Diagnostics Natural Language Inference Dataset for Swedish}, abstract = {This paper presents SweDiagnostics, a natural language inference dataset for Swedish based on the GLUE Diagnostic dataset. It is the largest, manually corrected NLI dataset in Swedish to date and can be used to evaluate models on NLI in Swedish as well as estimate English-Swedish language transfer capabilities. We present the dataset, the methodology used for translation, compare existing implementations and discuss limitations of the dataset, in particular those related to translationese.}, booktitle = {17th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, BUCC 2024 at LREC-COLING 2024 - Proceedings}, author = {Morger, Felix}, year = {2024}, ISBN = {9782493814319}, }