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	title        = {The 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation. Towards a Reusable Community Infrastructure},
	abstract     = {The 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser
Evaluation (EPE 2017) seeks to provide
better estimates of the relative utility of
different types of dependency representa-
tions for a variety of downstream applica-
tions that depend centrally on the analysis
of grammatical structure. EPE 2017 de-
nes a generalized notion of lexicalized
syntactico-semantic dependency represen-
tations and provides a common interchange
format to three state-of-the-art downstream
applications, viz. biomedical event extrac-
tion, negation resolution, and
opinion analysis. As a
rst step towards
building a generic and extensible infras-
tructure for extrinsic parser evaluation, the
downstream applications have been gener-
alized to support a broad range of diverese
dependency representations (including di-
vergent sentence and token boundaries)
and to allow fully automated re-training
and evaluation for a speci
c collection of
parser outputs. Nine teams participated
in EPE 2017, submitting 49 distinct runs
that encompass many different families
of dependency representations, distinct ap-
proaches to preprocessing and parsing, and
various types and volumes of training data.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation at the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics and the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies},
	author       = {Oepen, Stephan and Øvrelid, Lilja and Björne, Jari and Johansson, Richard and Lapponi, Emanuele and Ginter, Filip and Velldal, Erik},
	year         = {2017},
	publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
	address      = {Stroudsburg, USA},
	ISBN         = {978-1-945626-74-6},