Historical folklore records from Isof archives
Folke is a digital archive service developed by Isof and Språkbanken. In Folke, there are hundreds of thousands of scanned historical folklore records from Isof's collections, and by the end of 2024, more than 30,000 pages had been transcribed through citizen science. The material was primarily collected during the first half of the 20th century and highlights people's lives and work, daily routines and celebrations, experiences, and memories, from the late 19th century onwards.
The transcribed texts in Folke are now available in Korp. The corpus is continuously updated as the transcription of material in Folke progresses.
Link to Folke: https://sok.folke.isof.se/
Read more about Folke on Isof's website: https://www.isof.se/folkminnen/folke