- March 2, 2025: RESOURCEFUL workshop
- March 5, 2025: NLP4CALL workshop
- March 5, 2025: MultiGEC shared task presentations @ NLP4CALL workshop
- December 16, 2024: Language learning, Multilinguality and Grammatical Error Correction
- November 19, 2024: AI Trust workshop
- November 5, 2024: SWETALY workshop
- October 2024: start of the MultiGEC shared task on Multilingual Grammatical Error Correction for 12 languages
- October 25-26, 2024: NLP4CALL workshop
- January 10-11, 2024: Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024)
- February, 2024: Work on Huminfra Handbook starts
- April 21-28, 2024: Visit from Slovenia and Switzerland to continue working on corpus search interfaces and similar
- April 23, 2024: Mini-workshop on Approaches to corpus searches. Read blog on the topic.
- May 16, 2024: Mini-workshop on OCR
- May 21, 2024: RaPID-5 workshop, in conjunction with LREC-COLING 2024.
- October 21-28: Visit from France for exchange on language profiling tools and approaches (Prof. Nuaria Gala)
- Visit from Slovenia for exchange of experiences on tools for annotation of learner essays and L2-specific search tools (Špela Arhar Holdt and others)
- Collaboration with Finland for training researchers from a new project to use annotation tools for L2 essay annotation, pseudonymization, annotation management and database storage (Therese Lindström Tiedemann and others)
- Språkbanken Text - HumInfra workshop on Profiling second language vocabulary and grammar
Temadagen om Digital Humaniora vid Humanistiska fakulteten.
- Date: 7 november 2022.
- Organizers: CDH
- Participants: CDH, Språkbanken Text, LIR, HDK, UB, Inst för historiska studier, Inst. för kulturveteskaper
- Jonas Ingvarsson – Välkommen och Kritikens nya ordning
- Mats Fridlund – Halvautomatisk historia
- Rachel Pierce – UB - KvinnSam på UB som resurs
- Rachel Pierce – UB - Forskning över gränsen mellan digitala och fysiska arkivsamlingar
- Johan Karlsson – UB:s kulturarvssamlingar
- Daniel Brodén – LIR and CDH - SweClarin
- Karin Wagner (zoom) – Estetik och CDH - Digitaliserade herbarier
- Niklas Zechner – SBX - Verktyg för analys av ordfrekvenser
- Elena Volodina – SBX - Digiala verktyg för analys svenska som andraspråk
- Johan Ling – Historiska studier – Svensk HällristningsForskningsarkiv, SHFA
- Olle Essvik – HDK – The Computer as Seen at the End of Human age
- Mats Fridlund och Daniel Brodén – Interdisciplinära multimodala terrorismstudier