Annotering av OCR-korrigeringar.
Språkbanken Text. swe-sbx-ocr-correction-viklofg-sweocr [Analysis]. Språkbanken Text.Exempel
This analysis is used with Sparv. Check out Sparv's quick start guide to get started!
To use this analysis, add the following lines under export.annotations
in the Sparv corpus configuration file:
- sbx_ocr_correction_viklofg_sweocr.sbx-ocr-correction # None
- sbx_ocr_correction_viklofg_sweocr.sbx-ocr-correction:sbx_ocr_correction_viklofg_sweocr.ocr-correction--viklofg-sweocr # None
You also need to install the following plugin: sbx_ocr_correction_viklofg_sweocr.
For general information on how to install plugins, see here.
For more info on how to use Sparv, check out the Sparv documentation.
Example output:
<token pos="KN">Och</token>
<token pos="HA">då</token>
<token pos="PN">de</token>
<token pos="VB">räknade</token>
<token pos="MID">,</token>
<sbx-ocr-correction ocr-correction--viklofg-sweocr="så">
<token pos="AB">si</token>
<token pos="MID">,</token>
<token pos="AB">då</token>