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European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect)

The enetCollect Action addressed the major European challenge of fostering the language skills of all citizens regardless of their diversified social, educational, and linguistic backgrounds. To this end, the Action was concerned with the domain of Language Learning and specifically focused on enhancing the production of learning material in order to cope with the increasing demand for language learning material and the striking diversification of learner profiles.

EnetCollect addressed this challenge by kick-starting a Research and Innovation (R&I) trend that combines the well-established domain of Language Learning with recent and successful crowdsourcing approaches in order to trigger an innovation breakthrough for the production of language learning material.

SBX has been involved through Elena Volodina, who acted as a WG1 leader during 2017-2019 and WG1 vice-leader 2019-2021. As part of this engagment, multiple events have been organized, both at the UGOT premises and internationally. 

More information:



  • Elena Volodina, David Alfter, Therese Lindström Tiedemann. (2023). Crowdsourcing ratings for single lexical items: a core vocabulary perspective. Slovenščina 2.0, 10(2): 5–61. [url]
  • David Alfter, Therese Lindström Tiedemann, Elena Volodina (2021). Crowdsourcing Relative Rankings of Multi-Word Expressions: Experts versus Non-Experts. Northern European Journal of Language Technology (NEJLT). [journal version] [arxiv preprint]
  • Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel-Girshin, Elżbieta Gajek, Isabel Durán-Muñoz, Petra Bago, Karën Fort, Ciler Hatipoglu, Ramunė Kasperavičienė, Svetla Koeva, Ivana Lazić Konjik, Lina Miloshevska, Antonia Ordulj, Christos Rodosthenous, Elena Volodina, Tassja Weber, Lorenzo Zanasi (2020). Language teachers and crowdsourcing: Insights from a cross-European survey. Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Vol 46-1, p.1-28
  • David Alfter, Therese Lindström Tiedemann, Elena Volodina (2020). Expert judgments versus crowdsourcing in ordering multi-word expressions. Proceedings of the Swedish Language Technology Conference - Online, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2020.

Project duration

Project members

Project type

  • Research infrastructure project
  • Internally funded
  • Network