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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


The META-NORD project aims to establish an open linguistic infrastructure in the Baltic and Nordic countries.

Språkbanken has set up a local META-SHARE node here:

And the META-NORD consortium's linked node is here:

Project partners:
Tilde SIA - Latvia
University of Copenhagen - Denmark
University of Tartu - Estonia
University of Bergen - Norway
University of Helsinki - Finland
University of Iceland - Iceland
Institute of the Lithuanian Language - Lithuania

The main objectives of the META-NORD project are:

  1. ...provide a description of the national landscape in terms of language use; language-savvy products and services, language technologies and resources; main actors; public policies and programmes; prevailing standards and practices; current level of development, main drivers and roadblocks; and create this in a simple, clear, standardized format.
  2. ...contribute to a pan-European digital resource exchange facility by collecting resources in Baltic and Nordic countries and by documenting, linking and upgrading them to agreed standards and guidelines;
  3. ...collaborate with other partner projects, in particular CESAR och METANET4U and especially META-NET META-NET network of excellence ;
  4. build and operate broad, non-commercial, community-driven, inter-connected repositories, exchanges, and facilities that will be used by language researchers, developers and professionals;
  5. ...mobilize national and regional actors, public bodies and funding agencies by raising awareness, organizing meetings and other focused events. The geographic focus of the META-NORD project are the eight Baltic and Nordic countries. This consortium represents eight under-resourced languages with a specific set of objectives:
  6. ...provide expertise to other 6.1 pilots in fields where META-NORD partners have outstanding expertise: tree-banks/syntax databases, terminology resources, word-nets and finite-state techniques; develop and document methodologies for building language resources for under-resourced languages as efficiently as possible, with focus on semi-automatic/machine assisted resource generation; facilitate availability of BLARK resources for META-NORD languages; facilitate knowledge transfer between CLARIN CLARIN och META-NORD, especially on standards and IPR issues.

Project duration

Project members


  • European Commission (270899)

Project type

  • Research infrastructure project