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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.

META-NORD workshop

The Swedish Language in the Digital Age

This workshop is held as part of the strategic effort of the European research network META-NET to promote the development of a multilingual European information society. The workshop's focus is on the situation in Sweden and the description and study by META-NET in the Language White Paper "The Swedish Language in the Digital Age". The purpose of the workshop is to create a venue to highlight and discuss the situation from different perspectives. This workshop is organized jointly by Språkbanken (The Language Bank) in Gothenburg and Språkrådet (The Language Council) and is made possible with economic support from the EU commission to the META-NORD project (the ICT PSP program, contract no. 270899).

Thanks to all that helped out and participated in the workshop, which was held on November 23rd in Stockholm.

The agenda can be found here.

The presentations can be found here.