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	title        = {High-quality translation: Molto tools and applications},
	abstract     = {MOLTO (Multilingual On Line Translation, FP7-ICT-247914, www.molto-project.eu) is a European project focusing on translation on the web. MOLTO targets translation that has production quality, that is, usable for quick and reliable dissemination of information. MOLTO’s main focus is to increase the productivity of such translation systems, building on the technology of GF (Grammatical Framework) and its Resource Grammar Library. But MOLTO also develops hybrid methods which increase
the quality of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) by adding linguistic information, or bootstrap grammatical models from statistical models. This paper gives a brief overview of MOLTO’s latest achievements, many of which are more thoroughly described in separate papers and available as web-based demos and as open-source software.},
	booktitle    = {The fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC)},
	author       = {Caprotti, Olga and Ranta, Aarne and Angelov, Krasimir and Enache, Ramona and Camilleri, John J. and Dannélls, Dana and Détrez, Grégoire and Hallgren, Thomas and Prasad, K. V. S. and Virk, Shafqat},
	year         = {2012},