@article{fribergheppin-toporowskagronostaj-2014-exploiting-210058, title = {Exploiting FrameNet for Swedish: Mismatch?}, abstract = {This paper presents work on developing Swedish FrameNet (SweFN) as a resource analogous to the original Berkeley-based FrameNet. We describe the theoretical and practical basics of FrameNet, and articulate some multilingual issues that arise in expanding a linguistic resource from one language to another. SweFN uses FrameNet as a starting point in order to save time and effort, and to make it compatible with other FrameNet-based resources. The lexical units are from the pivot lexicon SALDO, making SweFN compatible with other resources of the larger project SweFN++. It is a corpus-based resource, meant to support tasks within natural language processing relying on semantic data.}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2014}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {52--72}, } @incollection{dannells-etal-2021-swedish-310041, title = {Swedish FrameNet}, abstract = {This chapter describes the development of Swedish FrameNet. A new framenet project often follows one of two methodological approaches: (1) extension, through translation of a different-language – often English – framenet into the target language, and (2) merging, where the resource is built from scratch in the target language. Both approaches have their pros and cons, which have been extensively discussed in the literature. Swedish FrameNet is mainly developed through the extension approach, although balanced with the merging approach. Drawing on the two approaches simultaneously, we describe how integrated language resources and tools have been exploited to create and develop Swedish FrameNet: how it was constructed, what it contains, and the basic assumptions underlying the annotation of its contents. }, booktitle = {The Swedish FrameNet++. Harmonization, integration, method development and practical language technology applications}, author = {Dannélls, Dana and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2021}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, address = {Amsterdam / Philadelphia}, ISBN = {978 90 272 5848 9}, pages = {37 -- 66}, } @inProceedings{ahlberg-etal-2014-swedish-210083, title = {Swedish FrameNet++ The Beginning of the End and the End of the Beginning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference, Uppsala, 13-14 November 2014}, author = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Johansson, Richard and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Uppström, Jonatan}, year = {2014}, } @edited_book{malmgren-etal-2011-lexins-174145, title = {Lexins svenska lexikon (4 uppl.)}, editor = {Malmgren, Sven-Göran and Berg, Daniel and Berg, Sture and Hult, Ann-Kristin and Holmer, Louise and Sjögreen, Christian and Sköldberg, Emma and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Internetpublikation}, address = {Stockholm}, } @inProceedings{fribergheppin-toporowskagronostaj-2012-rocky-158473, title = {The Rocky Road towards a Swedish FrameNet – Creating SweFN}, abstract = {The Swedish FrameNet project, SweFN, is a lexical resource under development, designed to support both humans and different applications within language technology, such as text generation, text understanding and information extraction. SweFN is constructed in line with the Berkeley FrameNet and the project is aiming to make it a free, full-scale, multi-functional lexical resource covering morphological, syntactic, and semantic descriptions of 50,000 entries. Frames populated by lexical units belonging to the general vocabulary dominate in SweFN, but there are also frames from the medical and the art domain. As Swedish is a language with very productive compounding, special attention is paid to semantic relations within the one word compounds which populate the frames. This is of relevance for understanding the meaning of the compounds and for capturing the semantic and syntactic alternations which are brought about in the course of compounding. SweFN is a component within a complex of modern and historical lexicon resources named SweFN++, available at <http://spraakbanken.gu.se/eng/swefn>.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2012); Istanbul, Turkey}, author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2012}, pages = {256--261}, } @article{skoldberg-toporowskagronostaj-2009-charmknutte-101453, title = {Charmknutte, viktigpetter och kladdmaja. Substantiverade förnamn i sammansättningar ur ett lexikografiskt perspektiv}, journal = {Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2009}, volume = {27}, pages = {73--96}, } @article{nimb-etal-2006-leksikalisk-35157, title = {Leksikalisk beskrivelse af adverbiers semantik i norsk, svensk og dansk - LEXADV}, journal = {Skrifter / Nordisk forening for leksikografi}, author = {Nimb, Sanni and Fjeld, Ruth V. and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2006}, volume = {9}, pages = {301--314}, } @article{kokkinakis-toporowskagronostaj-2006-comparing-34032, title = {Comparing Lay and Professional Language in Cardiovascular Disorders Corpora.}, abstract = {This paper reports on a corpus-based, contrastive study of Swedish medical language. It is focused on the vocabulary used in two types of medical textual material: professional portals and web-based consumer sites within the domain of cardiovascular disorders. Linguistic, statistical and quantitatively based readability studies are considered in order to find the typical language-dependent and, possibly, language independent characteristics of the material examined and suggest concrete measures that might bridge the gap in medical vocabulary as used by laypersons/consumers and professionals. }, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on BIOLOGY and BIOMEDICINE}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2006}, volume = {3}, number = {6}, pages = {429--437}, } @inProceedings{borin-etal-2010-past-110368, title = {The past meets the present in Swedish FrameNet++}, abstract = {The paper is about a recently initiated project which aims at the development of a Swedish FrameNet as an integral part of a larger lexical resource, hence the name “Swedish FrameNet++” (SweFN++). It focuses on reuse of free electronic resources and their role in the acquisition and population of Swedish frames. After a brief overview of Swedish resources, we reflect on three approaches to recycling the available lexical data in a semi-automatic manner. SweFN++ will be a multi-functional resource supporting research within lexicology and linguistics as well as different applications within computational lexicography and language technology, not to mention e-science.}, booktitle = {14th EURALEX International Congress}, author = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}, year = {2010}, pages = {269--281}, } @edited_book{allen-etal-2009-svensk-99825, title = {Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien. 1-2}, editor = {Allén, Sture (vetenskaplig rådgivare) and Berg, Daniel and Berg, Sture and Gellerstam, Martin and Holmer, Louise and Hult, Ann-Kristin and Lindstrand, Susanne and Lövfors, Sven and Malmgren, Sven-Göran and Sjögreen, Christian and Sköldberg, Emma and Tegner, Lennart and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2009}, ISBN = {978-91-1-302267-3}, } @article{borin-etal-2010-swedish-129126, title = {Swedish FrameNet++}, journal = {Swedish Language Technology Conference 2010}, author = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}, year = {2010}, } @incollection{toporowskagronostaj-skoldberg-2010-swedish-121119, title = {Swedish Medical Collocations: A Lexicographic Approach}, booktitle = {Korpora, Web und Datenbanken. Computergestützte Methoden in der modernen Phraseologie und Lexikographie (Phraseologie und Parömiologie 25)}, author = {Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH}, address = {Baltmannsweiler, Germany}, ISBN = {978-3-8340-0733-9}, pages = {181--195}, } @inProceedings{kokkinakis-toporowskagronostaj-2010-linking-119441, title = {Linking SweFN++ with Medical Resources, towards a MedFrameNet for Swedish}, abstract = {In this pilot study we define and apply a methodology for building an event extraction system for the Swedish scientific medical and clinical language. Our aim is to find and describe linguistic expressions which refer to medical events, such as events related to diseases, symptoms and drug effects. In order to achieve this goal we have initiated actions that aim to extend and refine parts of the ongoing compilation of the Swedish FrameNet++ (SFN++), which, as its English original predecessor, is grounded in Frame Semantics which provides a sound theoretical ground for modeling and linking linguistic structures encountered in general language and in specific domains (after specialization). Using such resource we manually annotate domain texts to be used as training data for automatic event extraction by automated techniques.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents. A NAACL-HTL Workshop}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2010}, } @inProceedings{skoldberg-toporowskagronostaj-2006-swedish-33612, title = {Swedish Appellativized Forenames in Compunds - A Lexicographic Approach}, booktitle = {Proceedings XII Euralex International Congress. Torino, Italia, September 6-9, 2006}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2006}, volume = {2}, ISBN = {88-7694-918-6}, pages = {1193--1199}, } @inProceedings{kokkinakis-toporowskagronostaj-2006-language-33938, title = {Lay Language versus Professional Language within the Cardiovascular Subdomain - a Contrastive Study}, abstract = {This paper reports on a corpus-based, contrastive study of Swedish medical language. It is focused on the vocabulary used in two types of medical textual material: professional portals and web-based consumer sites within the domain of cardiovascular disorders. Linguistic, statistical and quantitatively based readability studies are considered in order to find the typical language-dependent and, possibly, language independent characteristics of the material examined and suggest concrete measures that might bridge the gap in medical vocabulary as used by laypersons/consumers and professionals. }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 WSEAS Int. Conf. on Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biophysics & Bioengineering}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2006}, } @inProceedings{marko-etal-2006-cross-34049, title = {Cross-Lingual Alignment of Medical Lexicons}, abstract = {We present an approach for the creation of a multilingual medical dictionary for the biomedical domain. In a first step, available monolingual lexical resources are compiled into a common interchange format. Secondly, according to a linking format deciced by the authors, the cross-lingual mappings of lexical entries are added. We show how these mappings can be generated using a morpho-semantic term normalization engine, which captures intra- as well as interlingual synonymy relationships on the level of subwords.}, booktitle = {Language Resources and Evaluation }, author = {Marko, Kornel and Baud, Robert and Zweigenbaum, Pierre and Merkel, Magnus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Schulz, Stefan}, year = {2006}, volume = {2006}, pages = {5--8}, } @techreport{ahlfelt-etal-2006-literature-34047, title = {Literature Review on Patient_Friendly Documentation Systems}, author = {Åhlfelt, Hans and Borin, Lars and Daumke, Philipp and Grabar, Natalia and Hallett, Catalina and Hardcastle, david and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Mancini, Clara and Marko, Kornel and Merkel, Magnus and Pietsch, Christian and Power, Richard and Scott, Donia and Silvervarg, Annika and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Williams, Sandra and Willis, Alistair}, year = {2006}, publisher = {Göteborg University}, address = {Göteborg}, } @inProceedings{borin-etal-2007-medical-44951, title = {Medical frames as target and tool}, booktitle = {FRAME 2007: Building Frame Semantics resources for Scandinavian and Baltic languages. (Nodalida 2007 workshop proceedings)}, author = {Borin, Lars and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}, year = {2007}, ISBN = {978-91-976939-0-5}, pages = {11--18}, } @article{kokkinakis-etal-2007-lexical-45194, title = {Lexical Parameters, Based on Corpus Analysis of English and Swedish Cancer Data, of Relevance for NLG}, abstract = {This paper reports on a corpus-based, contrastive study of the Swedish and English medical language in the cancer sub-domain. It is focused on the examination of a number of linguistic parameters differentiating two types of cancer-related textual material, one intended for medical experts and one for laymen. Language-dependent and language independent characteristics of the textual data between the two languages and the two registers are examined and compared. The aim of the work is to gain insights into the differences between lay and expert texts in order to support natural language generation (NLG) systems.}, journal = {roceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA)}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Hallett, Catalina and Hardcastle, david}, year = {2007}, } @techreport{borin-etal-2007-empowering-53590, title = {Empowering the patient with language technology}, author = {Borin, Lars and Grabar, Natalia and Hallett, Catalina and Hardcastle, david and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Williams, Sandra and Willis, Alistair}, year = {2007}, publisher = {Göteborg University}, address = {Göteborg}, } @incollection{kokkinakis-etal-2006-bygga-56225, title = {Att bygga en språkbro mellan allmänhet och vårdpersonal - språket i texter om hjärt-kärlsjukdomar}, booktitle = {Humanistdag-boken}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie}, year = {2006}, publisher = {Göteborgs universitet}, address = {Göteborg}, } @article{toporowskagronostaj-skoldberg-2008-betydelseindikatorer-70495, title = {Betydelseindikatorer och tematiska slingor. Om jakten på rätt betydelse i framtida svenska digitala ordböcker}, journal = {Nog ordat? Festskrift till Sven-Göran Malmgren}, author = {Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Sköldberg, Emma}, year = {2008}, pages = {364--372}, } @inProceedings{skoldberg-toporowskagronostaj-2008-from-73087, title = {From Subdomains and Parameters to Collocational Patterns: On the Analysis of Swedish Medical Collocations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress July 15 - 19 2008}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2008}, ISBN = {978-84-96742-67-3}, pages = {1421--1432}, } @inProceedings{skoldberg-toporowskagronostaj-2008-modell-91906, title = {Modell för beskrivning av kollokationer i ett medicinskt lexikon (MedLex)}, booktitle = {Nordiske studier i leksikografi 9. Rapport fra konference om lexikografi i Norden, Akureyri 22.-26. maj 2007}, author = {Sköldberg, Emma and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2008}, ISBN = {978-9979-654-05-6}, pages = {433--445}, } @inProceedings{borin-etal-2009-thinking-110343, title = {Thinking Green: Toward Swedish FrameNet++}, abstract = {Access to multi-layered lexical, grammatical and semantic information representing text content is a prerequisite for efficient automatic understanding and generation of natural language. A FrameNet is considered a valuable resource for both linguistics and language technology research that may contribute to the achievement of these goals. Currently, FrameNet-like resources exist for a few languages,1 including some domain-specific and multilingual initiatives (Dolbey et al., 2006; Boas, 2009; Uematsu et al., 2009; Venturi et al., 2009), but are unavailable for most languages, including Swedish, although there have been some pilot studies exploring the semi-automatic acquisition of Swedish frames (Johansson & Nugues, 2006; Borin et al., 2007). At the University of Gothenburg, we are now embarking on a project to build a Swedish FrameNet-like resource. A novel feature of this project is that the Swedish FrameNetwill be an integral part of a largermany-faceted lexical resource. Hence the name Swedish FrameNet++ (SweFN++). }, booktitle = {FrameNet Masterclass and Workshop}, author = {Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}, year = {2009}, } @article{malmgren-toporowskagronostaj-2009-valensbeskrivning-109243, title = {Valensbeskrivning i svenska ordböcker — och några andra}, journal = {LexicoNordica}, author = {Malmgren, Sven-Göran and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2009}, volume = {2009}, number = {16}, pages = {181--196}, } @article{toporowskagronostaj-2005-elektroniska-34035, title = {Elektroniska ordböcker i Sverige: nutid och framtid}, abstract = {The article Swedish electronic dictionaries: the present and the future aims at a survey of the state of art concerning electronic dictionaries in Sweden. The focus is on CD-ROM dictionaries, mainly defining ones, and their functionalities of technical and conceptual character. It is assumed here that the content, structure and functionalities of the electronic dictionaries of today can make a relevant contribution to designing the truly electronic dictionaries of the future. Some proposals for extending the content of the next generation dictionaries are suggested. The question of using a more sophisticated structural and functional access to the information is also discussed.}, journal = {LexicoNordica}, author = {Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2005}, volume = {12-2005}, pages = {87--107}, } @article{sandfordpedersen-etal-2005-sprogteknologiske-35156, title = {Sprogteknologiske ordbaser for nordiske sprog - rapport fra et forskning-netværk}, journal = {Nordiske studiar i leksikografi }, author = {Sandford Pedersen, Bolette and Fjeld, Ruth V. and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2005}, volume = {7}, } @inProceedings{kokkinakis-toporowskagronostaj-2008-medlex-73976, title = {MEDLEX+: An Integrated Corpus-Lexicon Medical Workbench for Swedish}, abstract = {This paper reports on ongoing work on developing a medical corpus-lexicon workbench for Swedish, MedLex+. At the moment the workbench incorporates: (i) an annotated collection of medical texts, 25 million tokens, 50,000 documents, (ii) a number of language processing components, including tools for collocation extraction, compound segmentation and thesaurus-based semantic annotation, and (iii) a lexical database of medical terms (5,000 entries). MedLex+ is a multifunctional lexical resource due to its structural design and content which can be easily queried. The medical workbench is intended to support lexicographers in their work on compiling lexicons and also lexicon users more or less initiated in the medical domain. It can also assist researchers working in the fields of lexical semantics and natural language processing (NLP) with focus on medical language. The linguistically and semantically annotated medical texts in combination with a set of queries turn the corpus into a rich repository of semasiological and onomasiological knowledge about medical terminology and their linguistic, lexical and pragmatic properties. These properties are recorded in the lexical database with a cognitive profile. The MedLex+ workbench seems to offer constructive help in many different lexical tasks. }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX}, author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}, year = {2008}, }