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	title        = {Leksikografi og lingvistik i Norden},
	editor       = {Lorentzen, Henrik and Sköldberg, Emma and Becker-Christensen, Christian and Berg-Olsen, Sturla and Karlholm, Annika and Skog-Södersved, Mariann and Óskarsson, Veturlidi G.},
	year         = {2013},
	publisher    = {Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi},
	address      = {Oslo},

	title        = {Between Grammars and Dictionaries: a Swedish Constructicon },
	abstract     = {This paper introduces the Swedish Constructicon (SweCxn), a database of Swedish constructions currently under development. We also present a small study of the treatment of constructions in Swedish (paper) dictionaries, thus illustrating the need for a constructionist approach, and discuss three different methods used to identify potential constructions for inclusion in the constructicon. SweCxn is a freely available electronic resource, with a particular focus on semi-general linguistic patterns of the type that are difficult to account for from a purely lexicographic or a purely grammatical perspective, and which therefore have tended to be neglected in both dictionaries and grammars. Far from being a small set of borderline cases, such constructions are both numerous and common. They are also quite problematic for second language acquisition as well as LT applications. Accordingly, various kinds of multi-word units have received more attention in recent years, not least from a lexicographic perspective. The coverage, however, is only partial, and the productivity of many constructions is hard to capture from a lexical viewpoint. To identify constructions for SweCxn, we use a combination of methods, such as working from existing construction descriptions for Swedish and other languages, applying LT tools to discover recurring patterns in texts, and extrapolating constructional information from dictionaries.   

	booktitle    = {Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Gantar, P., Krek, S., Langemets, M., Tuulik, M. (eds.) 2013. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of the eLex 2013 conference, 17-19 October 2013, Tallinn, Estonia. Ljubljana/Tallinn: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Eesti Keele Instituut.},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Bäckström, Linnéa and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Prentice, Julia and Rydstedt, Rudolf and Tingsell, Sofia and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2013},
	pages        = {310--327},

	title        = {Lexikon och konstruktikon - ett konstruktionsgrammatiskt perspektiv på lexikografi},
	abstract     = {This paper addresses the question of where and how to cover linguistic
patterns that do not quite belong either to the domain of lexicon
or that of grammar. We present some examples of such constructions
and introduce the notion of a Constructicon, as a complementary
kind of resource to dictionaries and grammars, to account for them. We also examine the treatment of these example constructions in Swedish dictionaries, and discuss to what extent they can and should be treated there.},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2013},
	volume       = {20},
	pages        = {75--91},

	title        = {Flerordsuttryck - ur ett andraspråksperspektiv},
	booktitle    = {Svenska som andraspråk - i forskning, undervisning och samhälle (red. K. Hyltenstam & I. Lindberg, 2 uppl.)},
	author       = {Prentice, Julia and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2013},
	publisher    = {Studentlitteratur},
	address      = {Lund},
	ISBN         = {978-91-44-07065-0},
	pages        = {197--220},

	title        = {Automatic identification of construction candidates for a Swedish constructicon},
	abstract     = {We present an experiment designed for extracting construction candidates for a Swedish constructicon from text corpora. We have explored the use of hybrid n-grams with the practical goal to discover previously undescribed partially schematic constructions. The experiment was successful, in that quite a few new constructions were discovered. The precision is low, but as a push-button tool for construction discovery, it has proven a valuable tool for the work on a Swedish constructicon.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the workshop on lexical semantic resources for NLP at NODALIDA 2013, May 22-24, 2013, Oslo, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 19},
	author       = {Bäckström, Linnéa and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Prentice, Julia and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2013},
	pages        = {2--11},

	title        = {The lexicography of Swedish and other Scandinavian languages},
	abstract     = {After a modest beginning with mostly Latin-Swedish and Latin-Danish glossaries, bilingual Scandinavian lexicography gradually developed in the 17th and especially the 18th century. Towards the middle of the 19th century, the first monolingual Danish and Swedish dictionaries were published – somewhat late in an international perspective. Around 1900, work on monumental historical dictionaries of Swedish and Danish started. A similar Norwegian project started somewhat later. The Danish project was finished after 40 years; the Swedish – more ambitious – project will be finished in a few years. As is well known, the introduction of language corpora revolutionized lexicography. This is particularly true of  lexicography in Sweden, where a monolingual corpus-based dictionary was published as early as 1986, one year before the COBUILD dictionary. In Denmark, an excellent corpus, including spoken language, was compiled in the 1990s, forming the basis of a six-volume monolingual dictionary now available on the Internet, with excellent search facilities. Likewise, corpus-based lexicography has enjoyed an increasingly strong position in Norway and Iceland. },
	journal      = {International Journal of Lexicography},
	author       = {Malmgren, Sven-Göran and Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2013},
	volume       = {26},
	number       = {2},
	pages        = {117–134},