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	title        = {"Varför står det olika i SAOL och i SO?" Om (bearbetning av) skillnader mellan Svenska Akademiens samtidsordböcker},
	abstract     = {The Swedish Academy’s contemporary dictionaries, the glossary SAOL and the definition
dictionary SO, have many features in common but they also show a lot of differences,
especially in terms of content. Many of these differences can be explained
with reference to the perspectives, traditions and publication year of the dictionaries.
However, some differences are difficult to justify. For this reason, the editorial team
of SAOL and SO is currently working on 1) identifying and 2) managing differences
with respect to the information given in the two lexical resources. In this article, I discuss
different types of differences, both motivated and unmotivated, between the dictionaries.
The issue of priorities in the editorial work concerning unmotivated differences
between SAOL and SO is also addressed.},
	booktitle    = {Holmer, Louise, Greta Horn, Hans Landqvist, Pär Nilsson, Eva Nordgren & Emma Sköldberg (red.). Nordiska studier i lexikografi 16. Rapport från 16:e konferensen om lexikografi i Norden. Lund 27–29 april 2022. },
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma},
	year         = {2023},
	publisher    = {Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi},
	address      = {Lund & Göteborg},
	ISBN         = {978-91-986791-5-1},
	pages        = {349--361},