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	title        = {A German Grammar for Generation in OpenCCG},
	abstract     = {We present a freely available CCG fragment for German that is being developed for natural language generation tasks in the domain of share price statistics. It is implemented in OpenCCG, an open source Java implementation of the compuationally attractive CCG formalism. Since generation requires lexical categories to have semantic representations, so that posssible realizations can be produced, the underlying grammar needs to define semantics. Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics, a logic calculus especially suited for encodings linguistic meaning, is used to declare the semantics layer. To our knowledge, related work on German CCG development has not yet focused on the semantics layer. In terms of syntax, we concentrate on aspects of German as a partially free constituent order language. Special attention is payed to scrambling, where we employ CCG's type-changing mechanism in a manner athat is somewhat unusual, but allows us to a) minimize the amount of syntactic categories that are needed to model scrambling, compared to providing categories for all possible argument orders, and b) retain enough control to impose restrictions on scrambling.},
	booktitle    = {H. Hedeland, T. Schmidt, K. Wörner (eds.): Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proc. of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL), Hamburg, 2011. Working Papers in Multilingualism, Series B },
	author       = {Vancoppenolle, Jean and Tabbert, Eric and Bouma, Gerlof and Stede, Manfred},
	year         = {2011},
	number       = {96},
	pages        = {145--150},