@incollection{broden-2014-something-206827, title = {Something Happened, But What? On Roy Andersson's Cinematic Critique of the Development of the Welfare State}, booktitle = {Culture, Health, and Religion at the Millennium: Sweden Unparadised / Edited by Marie Demker, Yvonne Leffler, Ola Sigurdson}, author = {Brodén, Daniel}, year = {2014}, publisher = {Palgrave MacMillan}, address = {New York}, ISBN = {9781137472229}, pages = {99--132}, } @incollection{broden-2014-sager-206233, title = {Vad säger forskarna om kultur och hälsa?}, booktitle = {Kultur och hälsa: Ett vidgat perspektiv / Ola Sigurdson (red.)}, author = {Brodén, Daniel}, year = {2014}, publisher = {University of Gothenburg}, address = {Göteborg}, ISBN = {978-91-88348-57-9}, pages = {137--168}, }