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	title        = {Organising Terminology Work in Sweden from the 1940s onwards – Participatory Expert Roles in Networks},
	abstract     = {The present study deals with organised terminology work in Sweden from the 1940s to the late 2010s. Using archive material, we describe how practical terminology work was carried out in Sweden during the period 1941–2018/ 2019, when the Swedish Centre for Technical Terminology/the Swedish Centre for Terminology (TNC) was the central actor. Thereafter, we discuss models for building a new infrastructure for terminology work after the clo- sure of the TNC in 2018/2019. This discussion is based on interviews and analyses of articles and current reports. The study shows that multifaceted contacts with experts, academia, industry and society have played an essen- tial role for terminology work in Sweden since the 1930s. In the current situ- ation (2019), the activities are being reorganised and responsibility for terminology work is distributed between several actors. A new main actor is the government agency known as the Institute of Language and Folklore (Isof ). Finally, we discuss future visions for terminology work in Sweden. },
	journal      = {Terminology as a Societal Resource. Possibilities and Responsibilities in a Changing World. Special Issue of Terminology International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication},
	author       = {Pilke, Nina and Nissilä, Niina and Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},
	volume       = {27},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {80--109},

	title        = { Terminology as a Societal Resource. Possibilities and Responsibilities in a Changing World.},
	author       = {Pilke, Nina and Nissilä, Niina and Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},
	volume       = {27},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {3–9},

	title        = {”Av intresse för saken dristar jag mig att till diskussion framlägga ett par spörsmål” – Kaksi suomalaista akateemista uranuurtajaa terminologiaverkoston kirjeenvaihdossa},
	abstract     = {The Swedish Tekniska Nomenklaturcentralen TNC (2000–2018 Terminologicentrum TNC) has been Sweden's national center for special languages and terminology work for more than 75 years. Since its founding in 1941, the TNC has been active not only in Sweden, but also in establishing and maintaining international contacts. The article describes the contacts between actors in the Swedish and Finnish terminology field, looking in particular at the contacts between the TNC and actors in the Finnish higher education sector between the 1940s and the 1990s. The method utilized is close reading and content analysis. The research material used is the collection of foreign correspondence in the TNC's document archive, and in particular the section stored in connection with the code Ufin, i.e. sections concerning communication between the TNC and Finnish actors. The article describes the topics covered in the communication, the objectives and consequences of the communication and the results achieved. The article focuses especially on the contacts between the TNC and two active actors in Finland, professor Jarl Salin at the Åbo Akademi University and professor Christer Laurén at the University of Vaasa. In the analysis, the Ufin themes of the letters were categorized in four main categories: publications, communication, information and language issues. In professor Jarl Salins letters, the most common theme were language issues, whereas Professor Christer Laurén contacted TNC especially in connection with publications and publishing.},
	journal      = {Workplace Communication IV (VAKKI Publications 13.) Eds H. Katajamäki, M. Enell-Nilsson, H. Kauppinen-Räisänen, L. Kääntä & H. Salovaara},
	author       = {Nissilä, Niina and Heittola, Sanna and Pilke, Nina and Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},
	volume       = {13},
	pages        = {153–168},

	title        = {Terminology as a Societal Resource Possibilities and Responsibilities in a Changing World},
	author       = {Pilke, Nina and Nissilä, Niina and Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},
	volume       = {27},
	number       = {1},
	pages        = {177},

	title        = {Intresse och engagemang: Kungliga Tekniska högskolans insatser i ett svenskt terminologiskt nätverk 1941–1983},
	abstract     = {In this paper, we study how KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan – KTH) has participated in and influenced terminology work coordinated by the national terminology centre, the Swedish Centre for Technical Terminology – the TNC, in Sweden during the period 1941–1983. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the development of Swedish (technical) terminology based on networking and experts’ efforts. Based on archive material, we analyze who have been the active KTH experts, in what ways they were involved in the development processes and what effects their efforts had on the term recommendations given by the TNC. The archive material consists of written documents relating to the work process developed by John Wennerberg, who led the TNC between 1941 and 1957. The process was carried out in the form of 373 formal survey letters representing 17 subject fields, with both the TNC and external parties participating. Our results show that the 31 identified KTH experts play a visible role in the processes by 480 received survey letters within 14 subject fields. The response rate, 80 percent, reveal the experts’ involvement in the process and their high esteem of TNC’s work. The analysis of the comprehensive survey letter R198 shows that Wennerberg has considered the experts’ answers regarding terms (selection, linguistic form, acceptance/discourage) and definitions when he has published TNC’s recommendations. Our study shows that networking and experts representing the educational sector and furthermore universities have been an inseparable part of the development of Swedish (technical) terminology during several decades when the national terminology centre in Sweden began to operate and the working methods were established.},
	journal      = {Folkmålsstudier Meddelanden från Föreningen för nordisk filologi},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Pilke, Nina},
	year         = {2021},
	volume       = {59},
	pages        = {103--133},

	title        = {Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien, andra upplagan},
	abstract     = {Andra upplagan av Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien har utarbetats av en forskargrupp vid Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet. Den är utgiven av Svenska Akademien och publicerad i ordboksportalen svenska.se},
	editor       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Blensenius, Kristian and Hannesdottir, Anna Helga and Holmer, Louise and Landqvist, Hans and Martens, Monica and Petersson, Stellan and Hult, Ann-Kristin and Ribeck, Judy Carola and Wenner, Lena and Wang, Petrus and Bäckerud, Erik},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {Svenska Akademien},
	address      = {Stockholm},

	title        = {Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien som app 2021 (för iOS)},
	abstract     = {Andra upplagan av Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien har utarbetats av en forskargrupp vid Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet. Den är utgiven av Svenska Akademien och publicerad i ordboksportalen svenska.se. Appen är utgiven av Svenska Akademien och utvecklad av Petrus Wang i samarbete med Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet.},
	editor       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Blensenius, Kristian and Hannesdottir, Anna Helga and Holmer, Louise and Landqvist, Hans and Martens, Monica and Petersson, Stellan and Hult, Ann-Kristin and Ribeck, Judy Carola and Wenner, Lena and Wang, Petrus},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {Svenska Akademien},
	address      = {Stockholm},

	title        = {Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien som app 2021 (för Android)},
	abstract     = {Andra upplagan av Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien har utarbetats av en forskargrupp vid Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet. Den är utgiven av Svenska Akademien och publicerad i ordboksportalen svenska.se. Appen är utgiven av Svenska Akademien och utvecklad av Petrus Wang i samarbete med Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet. },
	editor       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Blensenius, Kristian and Hannesdottir, Anna Helga and Holmer, Louise and Landqvist, Hans and Martens, Monica and Petersson, Stellan and Hult, Ann-Kristin and Ribeck, Judy Carola and Wenner, Lena and Wang, Petrus},
	year         = {2021},
	publisher    = {Svenska Akademien },
	address      = {Stockholm},

	title        = {Vem vill ta hand om termerna? Terminologiskt arbete som språklig och samhällelig infrastruktur då, nu och sedan},
	abstract     = {Presentation av arbetet inom det pågående projektet Termer i tid – tidens termer, https://sites.uwasa.fi/term/ },
	booktitle    = {Terminologifrämjandets höst-term-in 2021},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans and Nissilä, Niina and Pilke, Nina},
	year         = {2021},

	title        = {(In)equality? A Case Study of Male and Female Translators in Svenskt översättarlexikon},
	booktitle    = {KäTu2021 Kääntämisen ja tulkkauksen tukimuksen symposiumi Ohjelma ja abstraktit, 20–22.5.2021, Helsingin yliopisto },
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},

	title        = {”finlandssvenska” + ”betydelsefulla” + ”översättare till svenska språket” = ?
Upplysningar och urval i Svenskt översättarlexikon},
	booktitle    = {Sektionsföredrag vid Svenskan i Finland 19, 6–7 maj 2021, Åbo Akademi i Vasa},
	author       = {Landqvist, Hans},
	year         = {2021},