First shared task: MultiGED-2023
The first shared task organized by the Computational SLA group is MultiGED-2023, representing L2 datasets for Czech, English, German, Italian and Swedish. It took place during Spring term 2023 and was reported at NLP4CALL workshop; co-located with Nodalida in Faroe islands.
Task: Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection.
The publication:
Elena Volodina, Christopher Bryant, Andrew Caines, Orphée De Clercq, Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Elizaveta Ershova, Alexandr Rosen and Olga Vinogradova. 2023. MultiGED-2023 shared task at NLP4CALL: Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection. In Proceedings of 12th workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2023). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 197. NEALT Proceedings Series 53. [link]
More information at the web-page for the task
MultiGED-2023 organizers
- Elena Volodina, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Chris Bryant, University of Cambridge, UK
- Andrew Caines, University of Cambridge, UK
- Orphee De Clecrq, Ghent university, Belgium
- Jennifer Carmen Frey, EURAC Research, Italy
- Elizaveta Ershova, JetBrains, Cyprus
- Alexandr Rosen, Charles university, Czech Republic
- Olga Vinogradova, Independent researcher, Israel