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Swedish Constructicon

Project collection


Don't forget ICCG13, The 13th International Conference on Construction Grammar, Göteborg 26–28 August 2024

Swedish Constructicon is a freely available construction database, i.e., a collection of descriptions of Swedish constructions. These constructions can cover anything from very general structures to highly specific modes of expression. What they all have in common is that a certain linguistic pattern is regularly associated with a certain meaning or function.

Describing a language as an inventory of constructions is an alternative to the traditional division of language into partly a grammar and partly a lexicon. An advantage of the perspective is that you can more easily handle structures with both grammatical and lexical properties.

This database is under development and includes only a subset of the constructions of the Swedish language, but we hope that it can already function as a resource for linguistics, language education and language technology.

Included research projects: Ett svenskt konstruktikon (A Swedish Constructicon, RJ 2013–2016); Språkliga nätverk, inom och mellan språk (Linguistic networks, RJ 2022–2025).


Project duration

Project members

Project type

  • Research project
  • Research infrastructure project
  • Internally funded
  • Externally funded
  • Network