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A new article by Evie Coussé and Yvonne Adesam is out!


Cassandra arranged a three-day workshop "Rigorous quantitative approaches to language variation, change and evolution". 16 researchers from Sweden, Belgium, Germany, UK, and US have taught each other relevant skills, discussed methodological problems and worked on research ideas that could become seeds for bigger projects.


A short article (written at the early stages of the project) is finally out!


New article is out: a detailed quantitative analysis of a very salient instance of variation in contemporary written Swedish: non-standard spellings of third-person pronouns de (subject form: 'they') and dem (object form: 'them'), which are both pronounced as [dom]. Supplementary materials can be found here.


A paper by Sasha Berdicevskis and Viktor Erbro "You say tomato, I say the same: A large-scale study of linguistic accommodation in online communities" is out! Long story short: on average, users of online discussion forums do accommodate to each other's linguistic styles, but there is a lot of variation.


The first major study performed within the project ("To drop or not to drop? Predicting the omission of the infinitival marker in a Swedish future construction") has been published in Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory!


Sasha Berdicevskis gave an invited plenary talk ("We need to know more about relative complexity") at the Workshop on Profiling second language vocabulary and grammar.


Svenska Dagbladet, a major Swedish newspaper, published a column by Evie Coussé, Yvonne Adesam and Sasha Berdicevskis. In the column, we demonstrate that personal impressions about language change are not always supported by large-scale corpus analyses (in this particular case, the change in question is the alleged increase in phonetic spellings of the Swedish pronoun and determiner "de" as "dom").


A paper by Sasha Berdicevskis and Viktor Erbro ("You say tomato, I say the same: A large-scale study of linguistic accommodation in online communities") has been accepted to Nodalida 2023.


The project members published a paper "We may actually all die tomorrow... nevertheless: Predicting short-term frequency changes in Swedish neologisms" in "Live and learn: Festschrift in honor of Lars Borin".


Sasha Berdicevskis and Yvonne Adesam gave a talk "Nyord och deras öden i jättelika korpusar" at Språkrådet, Stockholm.


Sasha Berdicevskis gave an invited plenary "Språkförändringens utmaningar: att förklara det förflutna, att förutsäga framtiden" at the 25. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik, Munich.


Alexander Koplenig was a guest researcher at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology for two weeks, which resulted in a seminar, a completed study (submitted) and numerous fruitful discussions.


Evie Coussé gave a talk "The ongoing loss of att in Swedish future constructions. A micro-diachronic perspective." at Grammatik i Norden 338, Copenhagen.


Sasha Berdicevskis gave a talk "Nyordslistor i en korpusspegel" at the Seminariet i lexikologi, lexikografi och fraseologi, University of Gothenburg.


Evie Coussé gave a talk "Språkförändring på bar gärning" at Svenskans beskrivning 38, Örebro.


Yvonne Adesam gave a talk "Sociala medier som material för modern språkforskning" at Grammatikfestivalen.


In November 2021, Sasha Berdicevskis gave a talk named "Typology, will you marry sociolinguistics?" asks NLP at SigTyp lecture series, presenting, inter alia, some preliminary results from the Cassandra project. The recording is now available on YouTube.



Sasha Berdicevskis, Yvonne Adesam and Evie Coussé gave a talk "Cassandra-projektet: pågående språkförändringar under ett korpusmikroskop" at the Språkstrukturseminariet, University of Gothenburg.