The NPEGL database is one major output of the project Constraints on syntactic variation: Noun phrases in early Germanic languages (Research Council of Norway, grant no. 261847). One of the project goals was to study the scope of noun phrase-internal variation in Old Germanic languages, with an emphasis on word order variation, and to examine which factors have an impact on that variation. See Pfaff & Bouma (2014) for details about the database design.
Språkbanken Text. NPEGL [Data set]. Språkbanken Text. ways to cite the dataset.
The Noun Phrases in Early Germanic Languages database.
All noun phrases have been annotated with information about their internal structure, as well as their function in the surrounding context. The annotation was mannually corrected.
Alexander Pfaff, Gerlof Bouma (2024): The NPEGL noun phrase database: design and construction, in Bech, Kristin & Pfaff, Alexander (eds.), Noun phrases in early Germanic languages, pages 1–32