The purpose of the Huminfra Handbook is to offer a comprehensive resource and practical step-by-step guidelines on infrastructural tools and resources aimed at research in Digital Humanities (DH) and/or Experimental Humanities.
Call for chapters
We are excited to announce that we are ready to take next steps with the “Huminfra handbook” (exact title and publication venue to be decided). We would like to invite you to contribute chapters to the Handbook. The chapters may – but do not need to – be an extension of the HiC submissions. Some other work by you or your colleagues may be more relevant for this type of publication. Although we are reaching out only to HiC participants and Huminfra members, others within your organizations may also consider contributing to this volume.
Each chapter should be written in English (or Swedish?) , be ≈10.000 words long excl. references and appendices, and must include the following (section names may vary from the ones below):
- Abstract
- Keywords (incl research field)
- Research problem and relevance to Digital / Experimental Humanities
- Research context / previous work
- Resource / tool description
- Research / use scenarios
- Case study
- Hands-on practical introduction/guidelines (e.g. notebooks or how-to’s)
Preliminary timeline
- March, 15: letter of intention (abstract/proposal ≈100 words):
In the proposal, please, outline the topic you would like to cover, along with a brief abstract and a tentative outline of your proposed chapter. - April, 15: notifications and invitations to submit chapters (details to follow)
- August, 30: chapter submission deadline
- October, 15: feedback to the authors
- November, 30: revision deadline
- January, 20: feedback-2 to the authors
- February, 20: final versions due
- March, 30: book files ready
- April, 20 or later: handbook published
Handbook editors
Editorial board
Contact information
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require additional information: