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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.

Variation and contact in medieval personal names


In previous research on names in historical language contact, the focus has been on place-names, whereas personal names are still underexplored. This project seeks to fill this gap.


Variation and contact in historical personal names (PI, 2019-2022, funded by the Swedish Research Council, grant-number 2018-01556) This project investigates which strategies are employed when North Germanic personal names are adapted to medieval German, French and Latin in multilingual contexts. It aims at surveying the variation patterns evident in the adaptations and seeks to develop a theoretical model that explains why different strategies were used. As part of the project, ca. 1000 North Germanic names recorded in manuscripts on the Continent during the 1000-1300s, will be edited in the openly accessible online-database NordiCon which is developed in collaboration with Språkbanken. The database combines formally interpreted and richly interlinked onomastic data with digitized versions of the medieval manuscripts and information on the name tokens' context.

Read more about the project here.



Department of Languages & Literatures



Publications BibTeX

2020 BibTeX

2019 BibTeX

2018 BibTeX

Project duration

Project members

  • Michelle Waldispühl (PI)
    Department of Languages & Literatures
  • Lars Borin (Researcher)
  • Dana Dannélls (Researcher)
  • Jonatan Uppström (Research engineer)


  • Swedish Research Council ( 2018-01556)

Research topics

  • språk
  • culture
  • historiskt material

Project type

  • Research project
  • Externally funded