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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


HUMINFRA  är en ny distribuerad, nationell infrastruktur för forskning inom humaniora, konst och samhällsvetenskap.
  • Gerlof Bouma
  • Dana Dannélls
  • Markus Forsberg
  • Dimitrios Kokkinakis
  • Elena Volodina
The aim of this project is to build a versatile lexical infrastructure for Swedish language technology (LT).
  • Lars Borin
  • Markus Forsberg
  • Dana Dannélls
  • Niklas Zechner
  • Jonatan Uppström
  • Ann Lillieström
  • Maria Öhrman
  • Nick Smallbone
  • Lexicography
  • lexikon
  • lexikal semantik
  • integrerad lexikonresurs
Accessibility of research data is critical for advances in many research fields, but textual data often cannot be shared due to the presence of personal and sensitive information, e.g names, political opinions. GDPR suggests pseudonymization as a solution, but we need to learn more about it before adopting it for manipulation of research data.
  • Elena Volodina
  • Simon Dobnik
  • Xuan-Son Vu
  • Therese Lindström Tiedemann
  • pseudonymization
  • research data
  • språkteknologi
  • allmän lingvistik
  • svenska som andraspråk
  • pseudonymisering
  • dataintegritet
  • forskningsdata
The project studies the rise of complex verb constructions in Germanic.
  • Evie Coussé
  • Gerlof Bouma
  • Nicoline van der Sijs
  • Dirk-Jan de Kooter
  • Trude Dijkstra
The goal of this project is to create a database of comparable lexical items in a number of representative languages spoken in the Himalayan region in India and to use this database for investigating the Himalayas as a linguistic area.
  • Lars Borin
  • Taraka Rama
  • Anju Saxena
  • Bernard Comrie
  • language technology
  • areal linguistics
  • linguistic typology
  • computational linguistics
  • Lexicography
The goal of the SweFN++ project is to build an open-content -- i.e., freely available and modifiable -- integrated lexical resource for Swedish -- so far lacking -- to be used as a basic infrastructural component in Swedish language technology (LT) research and in the development of LT applications for Swedish.
  • Lars Borin
  • Dana Dannélls
  • Dimitrios Kokkinakis
  • Markus Forsberg
  • Jonatan Uppström
  • Leif-Jöran Olsson
  • Malin Ahlberg
  • Maria Toporowska Gronostaj
  • Karin Friberg Heppin
  • Richard Johansson
  • lexikon
  • lexikal semantik
  • modern
  • integrerad lexikonresurs
  • framenet
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