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Computational SLA


ICALL - Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning

CompSLA (Computational Second Language Acquisition) is a cooperation whose primary aim is to encourage the development of datasets and tools related to L2 (second language) learning for lower-resourced languages. It is articulated in two working groups, a local one and an international one.

The initiative was taken during the 2021 NLP4CALL workshop (see slides). At that time, the international working group was formed with the aim of organizing a series of shared tasks. This resulted in the MultiGED 2023 and the upcoming MultiGEC 2025 tasks.

Local working group

International working group

  • Belgium: Orphée De Clercq, Thomas François, Joni Kruijsbergen
  • Cyprus: Vladislav Tankov, Elizaveta Ershova
  • Czech Republic: Alexandr Rosen
  • France: Thomas Gaillat, Nicolas Balier
  • Germany: Torsten Zesch, Detmar Meurers, Zarah Weiss, Andrea Horbach, Ronja Laarmann-Quante
  • Israel: Olga Vinogradova
  • Italy: Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Lionel Nicola
  • Slovenia: Špela Arhar Holdt
  • Sweden: Elena Volodina, Arianna Masciolini, Ricardo Muñoz Sánchez, Judit Casademont Moner, Maria Irena Szawerna, Robert Östling, Murathan Kurfali, Yousuf Ali Mohammed, David Alfter
  • United Kingdom: Chris Bryant, Andrew Caines, Chris Davis

Ricardo, Joni, Murathan, Arianna, Andrew, Elena, Robert and Orphée, the organizers of the MultiGEC-2025 shared task, in Gothenburg


The local Swedish group is supported by Språkbanken Text / Nationella språkbanken and Huminfra – jointly funded by its partner institutions and the Swedish Research Council (2018–2024; dnr 2017-00626 and contract 2021-00176).




  • Internt finansierat
  • Nätverk