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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


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- Peter Ljunglöf
Snart är det semester, och då är korsord en klassiker.
- Aleksandrs (Sasha) Berdicevskis
This post is based on joint work with Gerlof Bouma. Illustrations by Jan and Julija. Here's a sad story (it's fictional, but sad nonetheless).
- Elena Volodina
This blog is based on a joint work by Elena Volodina, Therese Lindström Tiedemann and Yousuf Ali Mohammed within the RJ-funded project L2 profiles.
- Dimitrios Kokkinakis
As the COVID-19 virus became a pandemic in March 2020, the amount of (time-stamped written) data, such as news/newspaper reports, scientific articles, social media posts (e.g. blogs and twitter), surveys and other information about the virus and its symptoms, prevention, management and transmission became massively available.
- Yvonne Adesam
Artificial intelligence system dealing with (human) natural language rely on language models, predictions of which words occur together. To better understand how such models work -- and where they fail -- when applied to Swedish texts we need Swedish test data.
- Peter Ljunglöf
25-27 november gick den åttonde upplagan av SLTC, Swedish Language Technology Conference, av stapeln på Humanisten här i Göteborg. Eller, skulle ha gjort om inte ett visst virus satte stopp för det.
- Aleksandrs (Sasha) Berdicevskis
We at Språkbanken Text have just released a new corpus of native (L1) and non-native (L2) speech in four languages: English, Spanish, French and Italian. The corpus contains more than 170 million words produced by more than 97 thousand speakers (size varies a lot across the four languages, though).
- Elena Volodina
This blog is based on the author's (Elena Volodina's) joint research with Yousuf (Samir) Ali Mohammed, Arild Matsson, Beáta Megyesi and Sandra Derbring
- Yvonne Adesam
När vi tänker på ord så tänker vi oftast på enheter som i text omges av blanksteg (mellanrum): 'huset', 'superstor', 'bloggade'. De flesta skulle nog säga att 'idag' är ett ord, men hur är det om vi skriver det (också rättstavat) 'i dag' då? 'Mont Blanc-tunneln'? 'Röda blodkroppar'?
- Elena Volodina
(This blog is based on a joint research and publication in collaboration with David Alfter, Therese Lindström Tiedemann, Maisa Lauriala and Daniela Piipponen)