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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


	title        = {SAOL och svensk språkvetenskaplig infrastruktur – nu och i framtiden},
	abstract     = {Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL 14, 2015)  spelar en viktig roll inom svensk språkvetenskaplig infrastruktur, något som framkommer i denna artikel. Vidare presenteras preliminära resultat av en undersökning av hur frekventa uppslagsorden i SAOL egentligen är i olika delkorpusar med modern allmänspråklig svenska. För att ordlistan även fortsättningsvis ska kunna användas inom svensk ordforskning, vid språkstudier m.m., men också bli mer central inom språkteknologiska sammanhang, är det avgörande att SAOL:s uppslagsord vilar på vetenskaplig grund, moderna språkteknologiska metoder och uppdaterade korpusmaterial. Fokus i artikeln ligger på de uppslagsord som inte finns belagda i korpusmaterialet, och som därmed kan tänkas mönstras ut inför den kommande femtonde upplagan.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024), Gothenburg, 10–11 January 2024 (eds. Elena Volodina, Gerlof Bouma, Markus Forsberg, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, David Alfter, Mats Fridlund, Christian Horn, Lars Ahrenberg, Anna Blåder)},
	author       = {Holmer, Louise and Lillieström, Ann and Sköldberg, Emma and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2024},
	publisher    = {Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings},
	address      = {Linköping },
	ISBN         = {978-91-8075-512-2},

	title        = {Karp: Språkbanken’s Open Lexical Infrastructure},
	booktitle    = {Globalex 2016, May 24, Portorož, Slovenia},
	author       = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Olsson, Olof and Schumacher, Anne and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2016},

	title        = {Korp and Karp – a bestiary of language resources: the research infrastructure of Språkbanken},
	abstract     = {A central activity in Språkbanken, an R&D unit at the University of Gothenburg, is the systematic construction of a research infrastructure based on interoperability and widely accepted standards for metadata and data. The two main components of this infrastructure deal with text corpora and with lexical resources. For modularity and flexibility, both components have a backend, or server-side part, accessed through an API made up of a set of well-defined web services. This means that there can be any number of different user interfaces to these components, corresponding, e.g., to different research needs. Here, we will demonstrate the standard corpus and lexicon search interfaces, designed primarily for linguistic searches: Korp and Karp.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013), May 22–24, 2013, Oslo University, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 16},
	author       = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Hammarstedt, Martin and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Olsson, Olof and Roxendal, Johan and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2013},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Electronic Press},
	address      = {Linköping},

	title        = {The lexical editing system of Karp},
	abstract     = {Karp is the open lexical infrastructure of Språkbanken (the Swedish Language Bank). The infrastructure has three main functions: (1) to support the work on creating, curating, and integrating our various lexical resources; (2) to publish the resources, making them 
searchable and downloadable; and (3) to offer advanced editing functionalities. An important feature of the lexical infrastructure is also that we maintain a strong bidirectional connection to our corpus infrastructure. At the heart of the infrastructure is the SweFN++ project with the goal to create free Swedish lexical resources geared towards language technology applications. The infrastructure currently hosts 23 Swedish lexical resources. The resources are integrated through links to a pivot lexical resource, SALDO, a large morphological and lexical-semantic resource for modern Swedish.},
	booktitle    = {Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Gantar, P., Krek, S., Langemets, M., Tuulik, M. (eds.) 2013. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of the eLex 2013 conference, 17-19 October 2013, Tallinn, Estonia.},
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Olsson, Olof and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2013},
	publisher    = {Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies / Eesti Keele Instituut },
	address      = {Ljubljana/Tallinn},
	ISBN         = { 978-961-93594-0-2},

	title        = {Språkbanken’s Open Lexical Infrastructure},
	abstract     = {Karp is an open lexical infrastructure and a web based tool for searching, exploring and developing lexical resources. Språkbanken currently hosts a number of lexicons in Karp and on-going work aims at broadening the type of resources that can be developed in the system. This abstract gives a short overview of Karp's basic functionality, and describes some current projects and on-going work.},
	booktitle    = {SLTC 2016. The Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference. Umeå University, 17-18 November, 2016},
	author       = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Olsson, Olof and Schumacher, Anne and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2016},

	title        = {Swedish FrameNet++ The Beginning of the End and the End of the Beginning},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference, Uppsala, 13-14 November 2014},
	author       = {Ahlberg, Malin and Borin, Lars and Dannélls, Dana and Forsberg, Markus and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria and Friberg Heppin, Karin and Johansson, Richard and Kokkinakis, Dimitrios and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2014},

	title        = {Ett svenskt konstruktikon. Grammatik möter lexikon},
	booktitle    = {Svenskans beskrivning : Förhandlingar vid Trettiotredje sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning. Helsingfors den 15–17 maj 2013},
	author       = {Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Borin, Lars and Bäckström, Linnéa and Forsberg, Markus and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Prentice, Julia and Rydstedt, Rudolf and Sköldberg, Emma and Tingsell, Sofia and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2014},
	volume       = {33},
	ISBN         = {978-951-51-0120-4},
	pages        = {268--279},

	title        = {Between Grammars and Dictionaries: a Swedish Constructicon },
	abstract     = {This paper introduces the Swedish Constructicon (SweCxn), a database of Swedish constructions currently under development. We also present a small study of the treatment of constructions in Swedish (paper) dictionaries, thus illustrating the need for a constructionist approach, and discuss three different methods used to identify potential constructions for inclusion in the constructicon. SweCxn is a freely available electronic resource, with a particular focus on semi-general linguistic patterns of the type that are difficult to account for from a purely lexicographic or a purely grammatical perspective, and which therefore have tended to be neglected in both dictionaries and grammars. Far from being a small set of borderline cases, such constructions are both numerous and common. They are also quite problematic for second language acquisition as well as LT applications. Accordingly, various kinds of multi-word units have received more attention in recent years, not least from a lexicographic perspective. The coverage, however, is only partial, and the productivity of many constructions is hard to capture from a lexical viewpoint. To identify constructions for SweCxn, we use a combination of methods, such as working from existing construction descriptions for Swedish and other languages, applying LT tools to discover recurring patterns in texts, and extrapolating constructional information from dictionaries.   

	booktitle    = {Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Gantar, P., Krek, S., Langemets, M., Tuulik, M. (eds.) 2013. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of the eLex 2013 conference, 17-19 October 2013, Tallinn, Estonia. Ljubljana/Tallinn: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Eesti Keele Instituut.},
	author       = {Sköldberg, Emma and Bäckström, Linnéa and Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Prentice, Julia and Rydstedt, Rudolf and Tingsell, Sofia and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2013},
	pages        = {310--327},

	title        = {The open lexical infrastructure of Språkbanken},
	abstract     = {We present our ongoing work on Karp, Språkbanken’s (the Swedish Language Bank) open lexical infrastructure, which has two main functions: (1) to support the work on creating, curating, and integrating our various lexical resources; and (2) to publish daily versions of the resources, making them searchable and downloadable. An important requirement on the lexical infrastructure is also that we maintain a strong bidirectional connection to our corpus infrastructure. At the heart of the infrastructure is the SweFN++ project with the goal to create free Swedish lexical resources geared towards language technology applications. The infrastructure currently hosts 15 Swedish lexical resources, including historical ones, some of which have been created from scratch using existing free resources, both external and in-house. The resources are integrated through links to a pivot lexical resource, SALDO, a large morphological and lexical-semantic resource for modern Swedish. SALDO has been selected as the pivot partly because of its size and quality, but also because its form and sense units have been assigned persistent identifiers (PIDs) to which the lexical information in other lexical resources and in corpora are linked.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : May 23-25, 2012 / eds. Nicoletta Calzolari },
	author       = {Borin, Lars and Forsberg, Markus and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Uppström, Jonatan},
	year         = {2012},
	ISBN         = {978-2-9517408-7-7},
	pages        = {3598--3602},