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	title        = {Interchanging lexical information for a multilingual dictionary},
	booktitle    = {AMIA 2005 Proceedings},
	author       = {Baud, Robert and Nyström, Mikael and Borin, Lars and Evans, Roger and Schulz, Stefan and Zweigenbaum, Pierre},
	year         = {2005},
	pages        = {31--35},

	title        = {Sprogteknologiske ordbaser for nordiske sprog - rapport fra et forskning-netværk},
	journal      = {Nordiske  studiar i leksikografi },
	author       = {Sandford Pedersen, Bolette and Fjeld, Ruth V. and Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria},
	year         = {2005},
	volume       = {7},

	title        = {A Model-Based Experiment Towards an Emotional Synthesis},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the XVIIIth Swedish Phonetics Conference, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, eds Jonas Lindh & Anders Eriksson},
	author       = {Lindh, Jonas},
	year         = {2005},

	title        = {Mannen är faderns mormor: Svenskt associationslexikon reinkarnerat},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Borin, Lars},
	year         = {2005},
	volume       = {12},
	pages        = {39--54},

	title        = {Visual Acoustic vs. Aural Perceptual Speaker Identification in a Closed Set of Disguised Voices},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the XVIIIth Swedish Phonetics Conference, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, eds Jonas Lindh & Anders Eriksson},
	author       = {Lindh, Jonas},
	year         = {2005},

	title        = {Visual Acoustic vs. Aural Perceptual Speaker Identification in a Closed Set of Disguised Voices},
	booktitle    = {Annual conference of IAFPA, in Marrakech 2005},
	author       = {Lindh, Jonas},
	year         = {2005},

	title        = {Elektroniska ordböcker i Sverige: nutid och framtid},
	abstract     = {The article Swedish electronic dictionaries: the present and the future aims at a survey of the state of art concerning electronic dictionaries in Sweden. The focus is on CD-ROM dictionaries, mainly defining ones, and their functionalities of technical and conceptual character. It is assumed here that the content, structure and functionalities of the electronic dictionaries of today can make a relevant contribution to designing the truly electronic dictionaries of the future. Some proposals for extending the content of the next generation dictionaries are suggested. The question of using a more sophisticated structural and functional access to the information is also discussed.},
	journal      = {LexicoNordica},
	author       = {Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria},
	year         = {2005},
	volume       = {12-2005},
	pages        = {87--107},

	title        = {Identification of Named Entities and Medical Terminology in Swedish Patient Records.},
	abstract     = {An anonymisation or de-identification system can provide a broad spectrum of services related to the growing demands for better forms of dissemination 
of information about individuals found in electronic patient records. The range of these services includes: health care statistics and sharing clinical 
information across institutions; validation and monitoring of new diagnostic tests; release of individual data by protecting identities or hints that 
can identify individuals, and appropriate mechanisms to provide only the information necessary to the professional who has the need to know. 
This paper describes our first experiments intended for automatic anonymisation of Swedish electronic patient records using a generic system
 for Named Entity Recognition. There are eight main types of entities that the system recognizes: “person”, “location”, “organisation”, “event”, 
“object”, “work & art”, “time” and “measure”. To this set, two new modules have been recently developed. 
One is dedicated to animacy recognition, a modules based on a number of clues (such as key words utilized in the person’s module 
grammar and verbs requiring animate subject), and another one designated to identify and annotate medical terminology. 
The latter module annotates names of drugs and chemical substances, diseases, symptoms, organisms and anatomical terms. 
A detailed evaluation of the system, on authentic patient records, is given both for the named, medical and animate entities. 
	booktitle    = {WSEAS Transactions on BIOLOGY and BIOMEDICINE},
	author       = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios},
	year         = {2005},
	volume       = {2},
	number       = {3},
	pages        = {312--317},