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	title        = {Samförfattande som datadriven tvärvetenskap: Pragmatiska lärdomar från SweTerror-projektet
	abstract     = {Terrorism i svensk politik (SweTerror) är ett storskaligt tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt med forskare från såväl human- och samhällsvetenskaperna som datavetenskaperna. Samtidigt använder och utvecklar SweTerror nationell forskningsinfrastruktur för riksdagsdata. Detta paper beskriver användningen av samförfattande som en datadriven tvärvetenskaplig praktik för att integrera olika vetenskapliga perspektiv och skapa samsyn i projektforskningen. Vi tar fasta på betydelsen av valet att koncentrera samarbetsformen kring konferenspapers inom specifikt digital humaniora och diskuterar erfarenheten av att samskrivande försvagar vetenskapligt revirtänkande, liksom ett iterativt förhållningssätt till forskningsdata kopplade till forskningsinfrastrukturer under uppbyggnad. Avslutningsvis betonar vi datadrivet samförfattande som en pragmatisk praktik för att stärka kollaborativt samarbete och kunskapsbryggor inom en tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024), 10-11 January, 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden},
	author       = {Brodén, Daniel and Fridlund, Mats and Olsson, Leif-Jöran and Ängsal, Magnus Pettersson and Öhberg, Patrik},
	year         = {2024},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Electronic Press},
	address      = {Linköping},
	ISBN         = {978-91-8075-512-2},

	title        = {Humanistic AI: Towards a new field of interdisciplinary expertise and research},
	abstract     = {The Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities (GRIDH) have participated in projects within various humanities fields that utilise as well as develop research tools and infrastructural resources that incorporate applications of ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI). These applications can include natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, large language models, image recognition algorithms, classification, clustering, and deep learning. This paper advances the term ‘humanistic AI’ to describe an emergent form of interdisciplinary practice that uses and develops AI-based research applications to answer humanities research questions together with its entangled humanistic reflection. We coin this term to make implicit and visible the epistemological and material particularities of its practice and the new forms of knowledge its affordances make possible. The paper presents GRIDH projects within ‘humanistic AI’ together with its developed AI resources and applications.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024), 10-11 January, 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden},
	author       = {Fridlund, Mats and Alfter, David and Brodén, Daniel and Green, Ashely and Karimi, Aram and Lindhé , Cecilia},
	year         = {2024},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Electronic Press},
	address      = {Linköping},
	ISBN         = {978-91-8075-512-2},

	title        = {Designing digitally-driven integrative interdisciplinarity: Professionalism between protocol and judgement},
	abstract     = {While there is a growing discussion of the importance of developing collaborative workflows for interdisciplinary research within DH, there is a lack of blueprints and consideration of specific expertise. This paper conceptualizes the practice of what we tentatively call digitally-driven integrative interdisciplinary project design in order to highlight a certain professional practice for integrating collaboration between technical expertise and traditional HSS researchers when developing research project applications, digital resources, etc. We begin by highlighting the need for protocol for workflow- oriented approaches to integrative interdisciplinary collaboration, but also an embodied expertise in need of being put into focus in discussions of integrative workflows within digital humanities. Then, we argue that judgement is also a crucial but often overlooked part of the professionalism involved. We conclude by discussing how to further develop the conceptualization of interdisciplinary digital project design and the expertise involved.},
	booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024), 10-11 January, 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden},
	author       = {Brodén, Daniel and Fridlund, Mats and Lindhé , Cecilia},
	year         = {2024},
	publisher    = {Linköping University Electronic Press},
	address      = {Linköping},
	ISBN         = {978-91-8075-512-2},