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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.

ICALL - Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Språkbanken is working on integration of available language technology for Swedish into the area of language learning, so-called ICALL. In connection with that,

  • a language learning platform/research tool Lärka is being under active development, see even extra information on Lärka development
  • a special interest group, SIG-ICALL, has been established in connection to North European Association of Language Technology (NEALT)
  • workshop series on the use of NLP in computer-assisted language learning are being organized in connection to Language Technology conferences annually since 2012, see in the menu on the left
  • data and resources for L2 Swedish (e.g. learner corpus and a corpus of course book texts) are under active construction (see in the menu on the left). These corpora are intended to provide various information on texts relevant for learners, e.g. text and sentence readability, receptive and productive vocabulary and grammar scope, variables useful in topic modelling, essay scoring, automatic error correction, etc.
  • A number of projects - internal & external; research, infrastructure, PhD & networking - are run under the bigger umbrella theme of ICALL. You can see them in the menu listing under "L2 projects". Some of the externally funded ones are:
  • We are always interested to invite Bachelor and Master students to develop further the area of ICALL. Please, see suggestions for Master Thesis topics in the menu on the left.